Mona's Melancholy

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A beautiful curtain fluttered as a gentle breeze drift through the opened window. Mona squinted her neatly refined eyes as the warm sunlight glinted through her pupil; her pink lips softly parted as a sigh escaped her mouth.

Her sigh showed a mix of both gloominess and uneasiness. The cause of her gloominess was of course her current situation. It had not been that long since she had been suddenly transported to this unfamiliar world against her will. Feelings of fear and aversion both filled her mind.

She once again looked outside the opened window of the royal palace, what reflected in her eyes were various structures of unfamiliar buildings, the buildings of the 'Alberta Kingdom' was the most advance on this continent however, to Mona who was from America and was living in New York to her this place was no different from the ancient era.

The structure of each building was simple, the design of each were also bland and had no indication that it was built with the hands of someone who was from the modern era. There were many small stalls selling goods and other various items.

The clothing of the common people was also bland and rugged. She really didn't want to spend the rest of her life here... even now she was still hoping for this to be a dream she would eventually wake up from.

How did she end up like this? She recalled the events leading up before her summoning.

Three days after Haruto's disappearance. It was a regular school day, the rays of sunlight rain down on the school field. The school grounds were bustling with children all in their youth, they all varied from the age of 16 to 17 and 18. Wearing a blue top and black pants on the breast pocket of their school uniform there was the written words 'Sakara High School' the second most popular high school in this city. The branches of trees swayed noisily as small petal of leaf slowly fell down while moving in a spiral motion as though doing an elegant dance.

A beautiful girl with short glossy black hair was staring absent mindedly at the clear blue sky, to the students who would sometimes glance at her as they walked by it was difficult to guess what she was thinking about.

"Hey, Mona were you listening to me just now?"

The soft voice of a girl sounded.

"E-Eh? Oh, you were talking about a new dress you saw the other day while you were at the mall, right?"

Mona replied in a high pitch voice, seeing how flustered she was it as obvious she wasn't paying attention, seeing that the girl sighed.

"I know you have been rather depressed since your crush had stop coming to school but, you really need to get a grip."

The girl said in a dissatisfied tone. Hearing her word Mona's cheeks became beet red.

"Wha... he's not my crush, you know, it's true that I admired him. But it's not like that."

"Oh...? Is that so."

The girl stared back at Mona with a dubious look, she have seen the gaze Mona would sometimes send Haruto whenever he was within her range of view no matter how many times Mona denied it, it was clear it was gazed of a maiden in love, however, she couldn't fathom her best friend's obsession with the boy name 'Haruto' there wasn't anything particular remarkable about him, aside from the time when he once participated in the schools swimming event and showed impressive reflexes and skilled there wasn't anything of interest, even his grades were completely average.

The girl sighed as she played with her long glossy black hair and gazed at her best friend with an exasperated expression.

"I understand that your infatuated with him and your worried about him since he hadn't come to school in these past few days but... I think your depression is hindering your focus in school, don't you agree? Yesterday you got a lot of questions wrong you would usually answer easy."

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