Before their arrival

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Before going to my lounging room, I decided to take a shower as I was still covered with sweat from my earlier training today. As I was walking down the corridor of the castle, I pass a few maids and butlers on the way who were cleaning the castle walls and carrying out their respective duties.

Everyone was in a scurry to finish their preparations before the arrival of the two princesses. Honestly, even though I've been here for a few weeks now it's still going to take a while before I can get use to this new lifestyle.

I made my way towards the bathroom within 5 minutes. The door was a bright blue colour with a golden doorknob. When I open the door the first thing that came into view was the large bath area. The bathroom interior was extremely spacious so much that a large number of people could fit in it, and you would still have a large quantity of room. When I went over to the bathtub my brow twitches from the size of the bath.

It was so large that it could fit up to 10 adults at most. The bath area had two yellow curtains with a beautiful design. The toilet was mix with a beautiful shade of white and golden colour it shined with the room lights and it was much bigger than any toilet I've ever seen before. The bathroom had well-made stone tiles that went up to the ceiling and they all had a beautiful designed enplaned on them.

Seeing all of this I couldn't help but hold back the urge to sigh. Of course, the bathroom in my previous house was nowhere near this fancy, so I couldn't help but feel a bit uncomfortable. It was like putting an indigent in a fancy hotel for the first time.

I went towards a large mirror that showed my entire image, I saw that my hair was out of place and parts of my body was covered with mud there was even torn up parts of my shirt. It must have happened while I was walking in the forest, I did get my shirt stuck on a branch a few times.

I felt bad to be walking around the castle while I looked like this, I'm sure it was an unsightly appearance to look at. I sighed once before slowly removing my shirt and my pants. And head into the hot bath.

On like my previous world where everyone relied solely on technology the people of this world relied solely on magic to carry out their everyday life task. The bath had artifact that allow you to heat the water with fire magic.

"It's so warm."

I said in a relax tone.

The moment I step into the bath the artifact began to glow and heat the water. If I were to guess those who have the attribute of fire can use it.

The hot water felt good on my skin, when I was summoned here, I thought I would never get to enjoy this feeling ever again. I thought in a relax manner. While hot baths aren't really that common in this world it is available in some countries, of course it's only accessible to those of royalty and nobility class. So, commoners don't get to relish such luxury.

I looked at the soaps that have been placed at the side of the bathtub, there were a large variety of solid soap each with their own unique scent and effect on the body. Of course, they work better depending on the type of skin the user has. I then took up the orange soap that was placed in a silver container. I figured it was best suited for my skin type.

It had a sweet aroma that tickles my nose, and it was slippery. I then began to wash my hair that was slightly stain with mud. then parts of my hair were slowly regaining their natural color thanks to the soap.

There was an open window next to the bathtub, so the cold night air was drifting in making the upper parts of my body a bit cold.

Before long, my black hair was now completely clean. I then started to wash the other parts of my body as I was still covered with sweat, before long my body was now covered with a pleasant smell. I then took up a towel that was placed on a rack and dried my hair before putting on some new clothes.

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