Fierce battle!

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Ambers were scattering in all direction as a large amount of heat was radiating and spreading across the entire room. The intensity of the heat gave the image as though the sun was falling from the sky. However, contrary to the state of the room the spectators were all stunned with their eyes wide open from the scene before them.

There was a large, majestic bird measuring 10 meters in hight, it was completely covered with flames all around its entire body, its wings were both spread across, scattering feathers of flames on the ground. It truly was a beautiful sight. I was also captivated seeing the bird one could only hear of in legend. That was the immortal, bird phoenix. Surely if there was anyone from my previous world, they would widen their eyes from such a mythical sight while questioning their own sanity from the spectacle that goes beyond common sense.


A loud sinister cry resounded the entire room, the Phoenix glared down at me with eyes of a beast waiting to devour its prey. Flying at an altitude of 20-meter there was a dangerous atmosphere coming from the Phoenix, surely even the fiercest beast would cower before such monster.

"So, this must be the foundation for his confidence."

I muttered in a mix of both awe and exasperation. If I had an ace like this surely even, I would have a huge degree of confidence in my victory. I sighed internally.

-I'm almost ready so there is no need to worry.

Alya said with a voice filled with confidence.

"You must be quite honoured to be able to witness the greatest spell known to my noble family, even a peasant such as yourself should know it's useless to struggle. Just give up and accept your defeat."

He said while still raising his right hand, the Phoenix followed the movement of his hand and waited for the moment the order was given when it was allowed to scorch its prey.

I made a face filled with anxiety. Perhaps it would be best to use a spell of the water element, surely that would be the better option than to keep depending on the wind element. Considering my partnership with Alya, I honestly thought my wind element was enough to end this duel quickly. However, it seems fate was on the side of the other foot this time.

But even so, I made a stance to ready myself for his attack. Seeing that, Hindu squinted his eyes dangerously. The phoenix flaps its wings sharply while taking a diving position. Like a bird preparing to dive down and devour a small helpless fish that was about to jump from the sea. Everyone watching in the audience subconsciously held their breath, the incarnation of death itself was preparing its first attack.

"So even after seeing this with your own eyes, you're still not giving up?"

Hindu said with a bitter face, that spell was obviously too powerful to be used against a single person in an official duel, well I'm sure I'll be fine. However, it was a spell I really didn't want to have to deal with.

"Well, I'm sure you'll be treated by the best healer in this castle anyway."

He muttered quietly. With that, his hand which was still raised high into the air, was slowly brought down. Monster of calamity that was the Phoenix obediently followed his movements and came straight at me with a speed incomprehensible for the human eye to follow.


A loud crash resounded the arena, the place which I was standing on moments ago was dyed black and was completely covered with flames and smoke, it perfectly resembles a sea of flames. Like a house that was just blown up by hundreds of missiles creating a small size nuclear explosion.

The Phoenix body was naturally destroyed by the impact of its crash and was instead covering the surrounding with flames. Ayumu who was standing a long distance away had a look of surprise not expecting Hindu to use a spell of that level, he then made a look of contemplation as though he was deciding whether or not to end the match. Suddenly, the thick smoke dispersed, and scattered as my figure became clear to the spectators, they all widen their eyes from what they saw. My body was now wrap in a torrent of wind creating a protective wall around me.

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