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Once the discussion was over, I immediately went outside the royal palace into a forest near the outskirt of the kingdom. Here I'll be able to use my magic as much as I want without any restriction.

There are several magic barriers artifacts place on the trees in order to keep the monsters from attacking anyone who wish to pass through the border. Travelers and merchant passing through the border every day in order to do business such trade and sell goods and work with other inside companies.

Merchants is mostly responsible for the kingdom's goods and products. Monster attacks happens frequently, most people would hire guards as escort or even well-trained adventures.

In order to lessen monster attacks some kingdoms place magic barriers in the forest near the kingdom's border. Since there is always traveler crossing the border connecting the forest and the kingdoms it was important to place a Barrier to repel any dangerous monster that would attack anyone trying to get into the kingdom.

Monsters are categorized into three different classes. a hazard class monster are average level monsters they are more than capable of destroying a small village on their own however an B or C rank adventurer is more than capable of subjugating them.

While disaster class monster is capable of causing damage to an entire city or kingdom. a well-trained A rank adventurer is able to deal with them, but it would take a group of them. Now the calamity class monsters are extremely rare to find but they are capable of dealing damage to the entire world.

True dragons are calamity class monster as well as demon kings however those type of monsters aren't seen often in fact the last true dragon that was ever seen was three hundred years ago.

The books I've read so far states that there were five demon kings who were a threat to humanity however the heroes were able to stop them three hundred years ago. While they weren't killed, they just disappear from history. While the demon lord was sealed with the demon army.

There were four true dragons each that are said to protect the four corners of the world.
While not much is known about the true dragons race it was stated that they didn't participate in the great war three hundred years ago.

And would avoid getting involve with human conflict. The true dragon race is still active even to this day. However, the chances of seeing one now is fairly low.

The people of this world relied on the heroes in order to defeat the threat of mankind. so far there are no humans capable of dealing with calamity class monsters, the only ones capable of actually defeating them are the great heroes of legend.

However, no one really knows how much of the legend is actually true. To think four people were able to stop powerful being like a demon lord and a demon king. I find it hard to believe that the heroes and I came from the same world. I stop before an open field that was filled with nature. The gentle breeze blows through the trees as the sun glittered on the water surface.

The lake was wide as the water stream went Straight up to the mountains side.
The loud cries of animals could be heard in the far distance.

(It's the perfect place for training)

I thought.

I wanted to first try out some fire type spells; fire magic is the most difficult element to control.

Reason being is because the mana in the body would begin to burn, fire magic releases an intense amount of heat through the body the user has to control how hot the spell would be.

Make it too hot can risk the chance of burning your body, there are ways the user can overcome this setback some rely on artifacts as a way to keep their body cool. While someone skilled enough can reduce the amount of heat they produce.

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