Starting of the duel

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Hindu was standing before my room he was dressed in a well-made white suit of high quality it was so stylish that it wouldn't be an exaggeration to say it was quite extravagant, however there was an annoyed look on his face.

It was rude for someone like me who was merely a commoner to keep a noble waiting, however naturally it wasn't my fault as I had no idea, he would visit me himself and first thing in the morning no less.

After partying all night, all night last night it was amazing he could get up so early in the morning. I thought staring at him with admiration in my eyes for someone like me who couldn't get up early in the morning without an alarm clock, seeing someone who could get up so early was truly dazzling.

"Good morning, Sir Hindu... I hope your day is going well."

I said greeting Hindu with a polite smile on my face.

"Stop with the courteous attitude, I find it quite annoying."

He said with a sneer while crossing both his hands. My brow twitches hearing his remark however as to not let my thoughts show on my face, I loosen my expression a little.

"Our duel has been decided to take place later in the afternoon, we will be having a magic battle."

He informed. A duel between magic allows the participant to used magic of either first or second class or even third class depending on the spell, because those level magic are non-lethal. So, the chances of death are extremely low the referee are also there to keep watch over the duel to make sure both parties followed the rules, however a well-trained referee would naturally be there in case of an incident were the users magic goes out of control.

"I see a magic battle huh? I still don't have much experience in magic battle."

I said frowning a little. Well, it was better than a mock battle of swords I guess I have no experience in swordsmanship so it's better this way however I have little confidence in winning this mock battle it's not like it's a problem in losing but naturally I'd like to win if possible.

"Hmph... I think it would be best for you to give up now while you have the chance, I'm sure you wouldn't want to lose in front of the spectators."

He said showing a smirk on his face. It was obvious he was sure of his victory.

(Perhaps he has a secret weapon of some kind. Or maybe he was just that skilled in magic.)

I thought feeling uncomfortable by his smug face.

-Why are you so worried your magic power should be about 100 times his own.

(Hmm... is that so.)

I thought hearing Alya carefree voice resounded inside my head. Hearing how confident she sounded I had a little bit of hope however I can't be too optimistic.

"I'll do my best."

I said while showing a light smile. Hindu showed an annoyed face seeing my smile, but I ignored his reaction.

"Once this battle is over one of us will have Isabella's hand in marriage."

He said so while showing a look of determination.

"I honestly have no interest in marriage, you really have nothing to worry about."

I said showing a wry smile on my face. No matter how many times I say it he won't be convinced it seems. Why am I in a love rivalry over a girl I have no romantic feelings for I really didn't know. Hindu gave me a dubious look not convinced. Naturally marriage is something every noble has to think about however such thing are only trivial to me.

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