First kill!

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Once the instructor had declared the start of the expedition, we both dash Straight into the forest at full speed before separating from the others. We are now briskly walking down a Straight path that was cleared from trees bush and other obstructions, I took out the map we were given before the start of the expedition to check the location we were told to visit. The map showed the entire forest and locations where each monster inhibits.

Goblins are weak monsters who have low intelligence they mostly live in places where there is vast greenery. However, they are known to attack people and monsters in large groups. So, the chances of seeing one alone is really rare. Maybe we should head towards some place where there are a lot of goblins present that would be the ideal choice.

"So, Haruto, do you have a plan?"

He asks anxiously, as a noble I guess he's not used to being out in the wilderness, I've only been camping two times and all of that was only school trip, there were adults there to take care of our needs but now it seems I'll be the one taking care of our needs. Though we were given the necessaries we need.

"Why don't we try going over there?"

I said pointing at a huge hill that went pass the trees, it was hard to tell from here but there was a lot of greenery visible on top of the peak of the cliff. We then made our way towards that mountain it was difficult to traverse through the bushy path as our shirts and pants would sometimes get stuck on either branches or thorny bushes.

Using the sword, I was given I cut through the outgrown branches that were in the way. Roughly 5 minutes of walking we stop to take a break as I notice Tracy was staggering on his feet there was also fatigued present on his face, I would feel like a villain if I made him continue walking after seeing the condition of his body.

We both sat down on a rock trying to regain as much stamina as possible, I took out the map and scan the entire area we were currently located. I wonder how everyone is doing so far. We didn't cover much ground. If I was alone, I'm sure I would have reached much faster but... this is a test to see how well we do in teams it goes completely against the point of this exercise. Tracy took out his water bottle and gulp down his water with a refresh expression.

(Alya is there any monsters around?)

-Hmm... I don't sense any powerful monsters as of yet, but there are weaker ones. One is actually heading your way right now.

She said, I see well as long as it gives us points, I really don't care what kind of monsters we have to face. As long as its benefits our scores I'll even burn down these trees to force those monsters out if it come down to it. About that time the rustling of the bushes could be heard. A small creature came jumping out, it had the appearance of a small rabbit from my former world the only difference I could find was its deep red eyes that slit pupils. Its fang was also a bit longer than the rabbit I'm used to.

Is it a harmful monster? by appearance it's looks doesn't look that harmful but... I tried to slowly approach it when-


Tracy suddenly grabbed my left hand preventing me from going any further.

"Is there something wrong?"

I ask confused.

"That bunny is bad news; they're fangs are poisonous they use their cuteness to get foes to lower their guards and then attack them."

He said panicking as he explained. I see the rabbit looked startled as it slowly backed away trying to flee into the bushes when-


A spear came flying through the air piercing the body of the rabbit. The rabbit let out a sharp cry as its body was struck through.


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