Trouble in the village of Yao!

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Deep inside the Deki forest approximately 20 kilometres away from the kingdom borders, there was a small village with roughly 35 villagers, the wood which were built in place to separate the village from the forest looked extremely old and rusty. A single kick could probably smash it into small pieces.

There was also a tense atmosphere oozing from the many villagers, the reason for the tension was due to the group of visitors which were visiting the village.

"Old man how many times do I have to remind you, stop feeding us this cheap liquor!!"

The man said as he threw the glass of fresh beer to the ground. The sound of glass breaking resounded the room.

"I-I'm sorry, but that's all the liquor we have."

The chief said lowering his head to the ground.

"Please forgive us!!"

Many of the villagers also promptly lowered their heads following the chief, seeing them lowering their heads the group of men all smirked.

"Now, now, come on chief, you must have at least liquor from Albertas kingdom, no. We did promise we would protect your filthy village. Yet you can't even compensate us with a glass of wine."

The bulky man who had been sitting on the sofa said. His two followers all wore arrogant expressions on their faces.

The village was located in between the kingdom of Alberta and the Kingdom of Watanabe. Unfortunately, the village was located far out of the range of either kingdom. Thus, they can't request protection from either kingdom. Their village once had over 100 population but due to the constant monster attack many of the villagers met an unfortunate end.

However, by chance while these adventures were traveling, they happened to stumble upon their village. And vow to protect them, but that was only on the surface.

The village had many beautiful women that would easily suit their need.

"There hasn't been any monster attack since we came here, right? I already told you if you don't stop messing around, we're gone."

He said in a strong tone. If his clothes were to be compared with that of a noble one could say it was nothing, however if a commoner were too looked at his clothes, they would immediately say it was of high quality. The man had short messy blonde hair and carry a large broad sword on his back.

His two companions were both skinny and their height was about average. One was a bald man with a scar on the right side of his eyebrows. The other man had long brown hair and wore a simple adventure suit which were made for traveling.

He stared at the female present inside the room with a strong glint in his eyes.

"Ye-yes, but unfortunately we haven't been able to stock up on any supplies these past few days."

An old man with a slightly long grey beard said, while keeping his forehead stuck to the ground. His old and torn up clothing wrinkled with his movements.

"Is that so? Well then tell me how far it is to travel from here to the kingdom of Watanabe?"

The bulky man suddenly asks. The village chief man pondered for a while before speaking.

"It should take roughly five weeks."

The chief said. The bulky man hummed with deep interest, however when his eyes landed on three men who were still lowering their heads to the ground a smile was formed on his face.

"Hey, you three."

He said gazing at the three young men.

"Eh, y-you mean us?"

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