Sudden change

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With my eyes slowly opened, the scenery of a small narrowed and dusty room came into view. With a small yawn, I raised my upper body and got to my feet.

The figure of the sleeping Alya could be seen laying down on the bed, her blue exquisite dress was dishevelled and greatly exposed her long snow-white thigh.

Her long waist length silky green hair was scruffy and covered most of her face. After glancing at her I opened up the wooden window allowing sunlight to illuminate the room.


The sunlight shone on the face of Alya causing her to open her emerald eyes. Due to the light of the sun, she promptly covered her face blocking out the sunlight.

"Oh, so you're awake?"

I asked. In a slightly surprised voice.

"Mm, I would much rather sleep a bit longer, I stayed up late collecting mana from you while you were sleeping."

She explained in a sleepy tone, her hand was rubbing her eyes which looked half asleep. Seeing that I couldn't help but laugh, aren't spirits supposed to be perfectly fine without sleep?

"Anyway, it's time for us to get going. I would much like to find that nine tailed beasts before it gets dark."

I said while keeping my gazed towards the window. The beautiful scenery of the outside reflected in my eyes. Upon seeing it closely like this I notice how bad the conditions of the village crops were.

Those plants look like they haven't had water in years

I thought so while observing the state of the field, the plants were clearly withering away. The entire field was dried up as though water had never touched it since it was created.

When I glanced towards the sky, I noticed there wasn't a single dark cloud anywhere near the village.

While on the contrary, there were many dark clouds covering the top of the mountain's peaks.

"I think we should help them on the farming development before we leave."

I muttered to myself.

"Hmm... did you say something?"

Alya who was fixing her dishevelled dress suddenly asked.

"No, it's not something we should worry about right now, I'll go wash up then we can leave."

I said before heading towards the small bathroom next to the entrance door.


After washing up for 5 minutes, I finally exited the bathroom. There the figure of Alya came into my line of sight.

".... Why did you change your look?"

I asked in a somewhat baffling tone. There was the figure of Alya dressed in a pink coloured miniskirt that reach a little above her knees, while wearing an orange sleeveless shirt that went well with her skirt.

Her bright green hair was styled in a twin ponytail and continued to hang down her back. Seeing this my mouth was flopped opened.

"Hm. What's wrong do I not look good? Maybe I should change back to my original look then."

Alya said in an amusing tone, when seeing my reaction.

"N-no that's not it, it's just... why did you suddenly decide to change your appearance?"

I asked in a slightly flustered tone.

"Fufufu... Oh is that all? Well, I just found this appearance more beautiful, could it be you think differently?"

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