Truth and Lies?

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Glitter, glitter many filtering lights shone through the tiny gaps between the tree leaves, filling the forest with many sun rays. A pleasant breeze cress my skin giving me a soothing feeling. We have been making our way back towards the village of which we came. While I had a faint smile on my face from the pleasant weather and also completing the task, the atmosphere behind me was a little tense.

"Hey, foxy do you mind if I use your tails as a pillow from now on?"

"What?! My tails are not yours to be use, why don't you know your place!"

Nikita retorted sharply to Alya's words, her expression turning serious.

"Aww, come on... if we're going to be companions from now on shouldn't we have a mutual understanding?"

Alya asked tilting her head, seeing that Nikita sneered coldly.

"Mutual understanding, you say? You guys were the ones who suddenly attacked my territory out of nowhere."

"And you lost that fight, didn't you? You should just be obedient and let me pet your tails already."

The two continued with their pointless bicker the entire way, of course, I decided not to get involved as it was unwise to get in between an argument between two maidens. So, while trying to find my happy place I continued ignoring their quarrel with much care, as it was a lifestyle I will have to get used to from now on.

While I was thinking such things, Alya suddenly sped up her pace and walked right next to me and asked.

"Say, Haruto what are we going to report to the village chief?"

Alya inquired curiously. Hmm... I tilted my head to the side as I was a bit confused by the meaning of her words just now, what are we going to report to the village head, I wonder? I made a contemplative expression while placing a finger on my lips.

Nikita who was walking one step behind managed to overhear our conversation and cocked her head in confusion.

"What are you two talking about?"

"Well, you know how we came to your territory and launched an attack without warning, right? The truth is that we accepted a request from the village chief living down the mountain near here, to get rid of the nine-tail fox beast who has been attacking them."

Alya said explaining the situation in an eloquent tone, hearing that Nikita finally made an "Ahh" of understanding. However, her face became somewhat complicated as she comprehended the situation.

"So, that village wants me dead, then isn't it going to be bad if they see me entering their village then?"

Nikita said pointing out the possible troubles that await us. I nodded my head with a solemn expression while trying to come up with a reasonable solution.

"Say. Nikita, has anyone from the nearby villages ever seen your human face before?"

I turned my head gazing back at her with an inquiring look, she gazed back into my eyes and spoke.

"No, whenever I would go down from the mountain, I would always make sure to stay in my beast form."

She replied somewhat happily. If that's the case, then maybe we can use that to our advantage. Yep, I think I have a way to resolve the current issues. With that my mouth was upturned into a faint smile. Alya gazed at me with a sidelong glance before eventually a beautiful smile was bloomed on her face.

We continued on our journey towards the village of Yao, and after 30 minutes of nonstop walking we were finally able to see the village within our field of view. The feeble wooden walls look extremely rugged as though a gale could easily blow them away and the field of crops looks like they haven't had enough water for the longest time. Seeing the state once again I think it's a miracle those villagers were able to survive on their own.

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