Clash between fire and wind!

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The spectators were all impatiently waiting for the battle to begin among them were the figures of Scarlett who had a worried look on her face and Hinata who was watching the situation calmly, however, there was a slight glint of curiosity in her crimson eyes. It would be a lie if I said I wasn't a little nervous being watch by so many people, Hindu.

However, was making a face that showed absolute triumph it was apparent he was sure of his victory. I was amazed he could act so conceited in the face of so many people. In my case it was like giving a speech on the first day of school.

"Are you both ready?"

Ayumu who has taken the position of the umpire asked, after we both had reach a fair enough distance.

"I'm ready."

"I'm ready as well."

We both said our agreement at almost the same time. With that the room became silent the rules have already been decided. As the rules were simple, we were only allowed to use attack which were able to deal minor injuries, both participants are allowed to forfeit whenever they wish. Naturally forfeiting before such a large spectator would be the absolute humiliation for a noble the chance of Hindu admitting defeat seems unlikely base on his attitude.

"Well then you may begin from five."

Ayumu said calmly. Hindu immediately held out his palm I also prepared myself to receive his attack at any moment.

"5... 4... 3... 2... 1"

"Mother of fire blast my target, fire ball!"

Once Ayumu's count down had reach one Hindu was the first to move. He chanted a spell which created five ball of fire which measured 3-centimeter in diameter. While they were low level spells, they each had enough fire power to seriously burn the human body. Naturally I decided the best way to deal with the attack is to dodge them, while they were coming at a high speed it was a speed I could easily handle. Waiting for the attack to come near I dodge it at the last second when the attack looked like it was about to land "Oo, as expected from Sir Hindu."

"Yes, to be able to cast in such short time, it was brilliant."

Such voices could be heard coming from the spectators however-

"It's useless!"

Hindu shouted with a sinister smile on his face.

-Haruto behind you!

Alya shouted with a voice mix with both surprise and worry. I immediately tried to look back, but it was too late. At that moment my back collided with the five balls of fire created by Hindu; my face distorts in pain. I then fell to the ground with smoke coming from my back.

"Hehe... do you want to surrender now? No one will look down on you for giving up, it's the contrary no one expect you to win anyway."

He muttered in a haughty tone as though the battle has already been decided. What an annoying guy forget it I won't be mad over such simple things I need to find out why was I hit by his attack. I'm certain I had dodge it so why was I hit. I made a confused face while slowly getting up from the ground.

-You did dodge it, but the attack came back on its own.

Alya gave a short yet simple respond to my inner question.

(It came back on its own is that possible?)

I ask confused. During my training I tried manipulating the spells trajectory many times however I wasn't able to freely manipulate the movement of the spells cast. So how was he able to do it?

(Is it the difference in our ability?)

I wondered.

-Don't worry I'll find out, but instead of dodging you're going to have to stop the attacks from now on.

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