Alya vs Nikita

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The air ruptured as Nikita closed the distance between herself and Alya in an instant. She lunged her fist forward attempting to strike Alya's face, however.



Her beautiful crimson eyes widen when her fist punches empty air. Before her fist could reach Alya, she turned into wind and disburse into the atmosphere. Dodging her attack completely.

"Tch, I remember you did the same thing in our earlier battle. For someone who likes to brag about themself don't you think running away is cowardly?"

"Humph, it's not like I'm running away, your movement was so slow that I decided to simply dodge instead of meeting your attack head on."

Alya's gorgeous figure materialized several feet away from Nikita with a nonchalant expression on her face. Hearing the words of Alya Nikita clicked her tongue, putting strength into her feet she once again rushes forward.

She put all her strength into her fist as she thrust forward, Alya casually stepped aside moving out of the trajectory.


The ground burst apart as stones and trees were sent flying in all directions, the force of her punch forcefully changes the air pressure. Everything within a five-mile radius was mercilessly blown away.

"Hmmm... not bad the physical strength of you silver foxes never cease to amaze me."

Alya was now standing leisurely behind Nikita voicing her admiration with an expression filled with awe.

Nikita turned around glaring at Alya with an irritated expression as she once again folded her hands into a fist.

"Tch, when are you going to stop running away? Fight me head on instead of casually dodging my fist!"

Nikita roared.

"Hmmm.... You want me to start attacking, huh, are you sure you want that? Well, I guess it would be too boring if I don't attack every now and then."

Nodding her head in understanding, Alya did a small gesture with her hand, the wind within the atmosphere became restless.

Swoosh~ Swoosh~ Swoosh~

The wind howled loudly as took the form of three blades made entirely of wind they move freely through the air as they went into Nikita's direction, however, her demeanour was calm, she didn't even attempt to dodge, three of her nine beautiful silver tails stretch forward like blades they destroy each of the wind blades dispersing them into the atmosphere, Alya's eyes widen slightly from the sight. But then....


A shadow came flying over her head, Nikita had jumped forward in her hand there was a long spear made of ice. She then used her excess momentum as she swung her spear downwards.


The ground rumbled unable to endure the impact and burst apart sending stones and dirt flying.

"Where did she go?"

"I'm right here."

Without Nikita noticing Alya had stealthily appeared behind her back.

Nikita instinctively felt danger and promptly turned her head to the side, no sooner than she did a 'Swooshing' sound passed her ear, it was Alya's fist. Nikita hurriedly tried to create distance between them.

"Do you think you can escape me."


Before Nikita had the chance to successfully create distance, Alya created a short sword made of spirit arts, she then thrust her sword forward striking at Nikita's shoulder blades, Nikita put all her strength into defending. However, with the momentum of her jumping backwards to create distance she was blown away.

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