Death storm

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A huge shadow fell over my head as a large black wolf suddenly jump from behind me, it thrust its claw at my head using the momentum of its jump to increase the force of its stab.


I promptly moved my head to the side before its claw made contact with my neck, as a result its claw manage to scratch a piece of my clothes. When I looked to the collar of my traveling gear, I notice that a piece of my collar was ripped off. If I was a second late it would have been my neck that was torn off from my body.

Noticing that my vigilance towards the beast before me was raised, I can't allow something like that to happened again.

--I'm sorry Haruto, it seems this particular type of beast is good at hiding its presence.

Alya said regretfully.

(So even someone like Alya couldn't sense it huh... in that case I really shouldn't underestimate this wolf. I have to eliminate it no matter what.)

With that thought I stared at the wolf who was growling at me from a safe distance. The wolf that was eating earlier was also growling at me with the eyes of a predator. After I had dodged its first attack it seems it's become rather cautious of me.


A loud howl came from the wolf that had attack me earlier, the howl echoed indefinitely inside the dense forest.




The sound of howl began to resound the surrounding it was unclear how many of them they actually were but I'm getting a bad premonition.

-Haruto something is approaching us, a lot of them!

Alya shouted. Not long after that many black shadows jumped out of the wooded area with agile movements. What appeared before us were black wolf with sharp claws that were digging into the ground. There snout was wet from the drool leaking from their mouth. Their eyes were a deep violet colour with vertically split pupil.

(So, they call for reinforcement huh...)

Seeing that I had the urge to sigh. This could get tricky.

"Ehh... this many of them were in hiding."

Tracy said as the blood left his face. I'm going to have to face them while protecting him that would be difficult with all of them there were at least 30 of them. Even if I fight all of them at once while keeping an eye on him, I'm not confident I'll be able to save him if he's attack especially since they can conceal their presence to the point that even Alya couldn't detect them.

As expected, it's not a realistic idea, with that thought. I have no other choice.

"Hey, Sir Tracy."

I called out to him with a serious face. Hearing my voice, his body flinches slightly.

"W-why yes."

He replied with a shrill voice. I then calmly turn my head towards him who was hiding behind a tree roughly 10 meters away from me.

"I want you to run away as soon as I attack."

I said calmly. Indeed, this was the only conclusion I could think of. When I get out of this, I want to be spared from whatever punishment befalls the one who put the son of the duke in danger. So, I'll hold them off while he gets away.

"Wait a minute, Haruto! Wouldn't that put you in danger? I can fight too, you know."

He said weakly. While staring at my face as if determined. 'What is this guy saying.' I honestly want to yell in this kind of situation isn't it natural to prioritize your own safety? I can't understand.

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