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I slowly opened the window next to my bed, allowing the fresh morning air to drift through my room. The light of the sun illuminating the sky brightened up my room, showing the scenery of the airy room more clearly.

Usually, I would be more exhausted in the early morning but today for some reason I felt refresh if only I could wake up like this every day, I could start training early. With that being said I went towards my closet to choose a suit of clothes I'm to wear today. After going through everything inside my closet I took out my academy uniform, since I'll be going along with Princess Scarlett today.

"It's no fun, I'll have to be in my spirit form all day."

Alya who was still seated on my bed suddenly said with a sullen look.

"Yeah, since I'll be at school all day there isn't much chance for you to materialize huh."

I said with an apologetic look on my face. It would be easy if she could materialize whenever she wants but, allowing greedy nobles to take interest in spirits isn't a good idea, the Watanabe kingdoms nobles all want to increase the kingdoms military prowess I'm sure they will want to get their hands on spirits for their great powers.

"Don't worry I definitely won't show myself before such people so you can rest assured."

She said with a faint smile. Seeing that I smiled in returned.

"By the way, there is something I want to know."

I said sending her a glance. Seeing that she tilted her head curiously.

"Yes, what is it?"

Alya asks.

"Well... I wanted to travel and find clues of away home do you by any chance have any suggestion?"

I asked, sending her a questioning glance. She then placed her hands underneath her chin and pondered for a while.

"Good Question but... unfortunately I don't really know myself but no matter where you end up, I'll be with you through it all."

She said showing a sweet smile. For some reason my cheek loosen hearing that, I don't know why but for some reason I always felt a slight warmth from her comfort.

"When the time comes, I'm sure you'll find an answer."

She said, showing radiant smile that was full of confidence.

"Right, I just need to learn spatial magic, is that right?"

I asked, turning my gaze directly towards Alya.

"That's about right but... even then we don't know the coordination of your original world, finding it won't be easy."

She said, while staring strongly at my face.

"I Know but... I will find my way home!"

I shouted with resolute seeing that Alya sighed quietly.

"Isn't that just wishful thinking? The future favours no one you know, I'm not saying this to discourage you or anything but... being too optimistic won't solve your problem if anything you'll only feel down if you fail, you have to have an unbreakable resolve. Do you have one?"

She asks while peering into my face. I also stared at those green gem-like eyes; I swallow my saliva searching for words, how much do I want to return home? I wondered; would it be better to live in this world even though I'm not originally a resident of this world? My desire to return to my parents is strong but for some reason I feel like there is something I must do in this world. Seeing my indecisiveness to properly make a decision she let out a deep sigh.

The Second Incarnation of the God of CreationWhere stories live. Discover now