Through the forest of Deki!

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A forest of vast greenery spreading endlessly through the land, it was a scenery I've gotten completely accustomed to since I have started my journey, many small filtering light shone through the small gaps between the tree leaves brightening the dusky forest.

"Sigh... when are we going to leave this annoying forest already? I'm sick of seeing the same scenery."

The one who said that with a tone filled with annoyance was a woman who could be said to be too beautiful for this world. Her long waist green hair swayed gently behind her back, her skin which was white as fresh snow fall looked dazzling beneath the sunlight. I couldn't help but gulped when gazing at her beautiful appearance.

"Haha... we've only been in this forest for four days, you know. if we keep going at our current paste, we should leave the forest in three more days."

I said while showing a wry smile on my face.

(It won't be too long now; Alberta's borders should be in sight really soon.)

I thought.

"But wouldn't it be easier if we fly? I really didn't get why you want to walk when we could just fly over this forest."

Alya said gazing at me curiously. indeed, it would be better if we flew over the forest, but...

"Where's the fun in that? Haven't anyone ever told you it's not about the destination it's about the journey."

I said so while gazing at the clear blue skies with a bright smile. However, Alya looked at me with a dubious look before saying.

"Hmm... in our case I'm pretty sure it's about our destination."

"I was being sarcastic. You Know."

I sighed quietly then turned my head straight, what reflected in my eyes were a cliff separating us from the other side, the distance was approximately 100 meter long. And when I gazed downwards the ground was too far for me to see the exact height with the naked eye.

However, as though she was rejecting gravity, Alya leaped into the air and wind began to surround her body raising her roughly 20 feet into the air. A sweet scent then drifted in the air as she moved her body, she then looked downwards and gazed at me with an expression that implicitly states "Can you follow along" seeing that I smiled wryly towards her.

"Mother of wind become my guidance blessed me with your flowing hands."

I quietly muttered the aria and a magic circle then appeared around my body wrapping it in magic power, my feet then started to rise from the ground. I continued my ascent into the air until I was at a distance of 20 meter, my flying was still slightly sloppy when compared with Alya who was able to fly freely into the sky, before long we both lower our altitude and descended onto the ground, Alya's landing was smooth. However, my landing was slightly rough.

"Fufu, it seems you still have a lot to learn."

Alya said raising her hand to her mouth while giggling cutely. Watching her from the side I rolled my eyes before walking away. The forest was filled with trees which reaches a height of 500 meters, due to their numbers the Rays of sunlight couldn't reach that far inside the forest.

"Wait a second, I'll scan the area for any living creatures."

I said to Alya who was standing beside me. I closed my eyes and send magic power in all corners of the forest with the use of 'Magic sense' it was easy for me to find any living creatures that has mana. However, the distance within my radar was only up to thirty kilometers, it was impossible for me to go any further than that considering my current abilities this is my limit at least right now.

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