King of shadows!

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The shadows all slowly took the forms of various creatures, three wolves with deep red eyes and sharp claws, and a giant centipede. They were all clad in shadow. Ben looked fixedly at the monsters that appeared before him.

(What is that?)

He thought grasping his sword tightly in his hands, while feeling cold sweat running down his face. His mind was in a mix of confusion and surprised seeing the spectacle before him. 'Impossible' is what he wanted to say. As far as common sense goes there shouldn't be away to summon monsters, at least there was never any sighting of humans controlling monsters, many tried in the past, but all those experiments failed. It wasn't the standard summoning spells either there wasn't a magic circle.

"What are you, really?"

He asks as his tone trembled. Alister smirked as he spread both his arms wide.

"I am the king of shadows, what I want is this world. That's all you need to know."

He said gesturing with his hands for his monsters to attack. The three wolves then rush forward. Coming at Ben and the knight from all three directions. Ben slashes his sword vertically upwards and dissected the black wolf coming forwards.


However, the wolf coming from the left chomp down on his arm. Using the pommel of his sword he vigorously slammed it into the centre of the wolfs head.


The wolf let out a cry as its head was beaten into the ground. He then used his sword to slit the neck of the wolf who was still laying on the ground. The last remaining wolf ran towards the young knight standing by the left of Ben.

"Mother of fire blast my target, flair ball!"

He shouted a magic formation was then formed. Followed by two balls of fire measuring 2 meters in diameter. The wolf jump dodging the balls of fire coming towards it.


He gritted his teeth in frustration. Then tried to draw his sword sheathed on his waist, however he was too late the wolf chomped on his leg, attempting to pull him by his leg.

"Damn you!"

He shouted as he grabbed onto the face of the wolf trying to pull him away. His knightly attire was being ripped apart by the wolfs fangs, but he continued to pull its face away. He then grabbed its neck but before he could do anything, he became confused after seeing his headless body on the ground still grasping the neck of the wolf.


It was then that he realized what had happened to him. His head was cleanly severed from his body. Ben gritted his teeth seeing the headless body of his men.

"Humph, it seems you all had forgotten about me, I had to get your attention somehow, you know."

Alister said while holding a black sword that was covered with shadow, the last remaining wolf then glared at Ben with the eyes of a hungry beast. Ben adjusted his grip on his sword. His current situation wasn't the best no it was the absolute worst. Retreating was his only option at this point. He then held out his hands.

(To think someone of my position would have to retreat, and show my back to my enemy)

He thought it was the most disgraceful experience he had ever gone through. But still, he wasn't a fool, who would say things like. "I'll dye trying" or "I'll never do something such as running away" was foolish, as long as he survives, he can have other opportunities to erase this disgraceful memory. He then tried his most powerful spell.

"Mother of-"

"Didn't I tell you not to lower your guard."

A small voice sounded behind him, before he felt a sharp pain in his abdomen. When he gazed down wards, he saw a black sword perforating through his abdomen, he spat out a mouth full of blood. As his strength drained from his body.

The poison from the wolf that had bitten him earlier was slowly making its way through his system. His vision started to become blurry he then let go of his sword, which fell on the ground.

"Looks like times up captain, too bad. Though I had enjoyed myself today so you shouldn't feel too bad."

He said as a grin appeared on his face. Ben used what little strength he had left to look back at the person behind him.

"Wh-What are you really after?"

He asks looking at Alister with unsteady eyes.

"Like I said before, I am the king of shadows, what I want is this world."

He said simply.

"G-Go to hell."

He muttered hatefully. Hearing his words, Alister smirk.

"No, you can go by yourself."

He then pulled out his long sword from his abdomen, a large quantity of blood then flowed through, Ben's lifeless body then fell to the ground.

"Sigh, what a pain this is."

He muttered before looking in a specific direction. A single knight stood with trembling legs.

(What the hell is that monster!?)

He thought before running into the forest at full speed. Looking at the back of the knight running away Alister sneered before turning to the giant centipede awaiting its orders. It was a centipede which measures roughly 40 cm with black skin and had countless legs growing from both sides.

"Find him and kill him, make sure no one leaves here alive."

He said as his body became black, he then quickly took the form of shadows and disappeared. The centipede then bradawl it's way underground leaving behind a deep hole measuring roughly 30 meters in diameters.


Inside the dense forest of greenery, a man wearing knightly attire was running vigorously, into the eastern parts of the forest, the thick trees and the thorny branches were making it difficult to travers through, but using his sword he easily cut down the branches which were in his way. Quickly making his way deeper into the forest at great speed.

As a knight he had already trained his body on almost a daily basis, so his stamina wasn't being depleted too quickly. The only problem he had was that he didn't know which direction it is towards the Alberta Kingdom, he was just running to get away from the danger as soon as possible.

Finding a suitable place to rest he stopped by a field which was growing countless plants, the scenery was beautiful, but he didn't have a mind to admire that scenery right now, the only thought that occupied his head was "Is he gone" his heart was beating loudly in his chest, he was filled with fear, anxiety and other complex emotions.

His commander and fellow companion were all killed before his eyes by a single individual, he who could never manage to defeat his captain in a head on fight just watched him die, it was no wonder he lost his composure.


The rustling of the trees could be heard clearly, his hair stood on end as he places his hands against his mouth holding back the urge to scream as he hid behind a thick tree. The centipede was slowly making its way towards the tree. Its giant body slowly wrapped itself around the giant tree. Once the centipede was close enough, he grasped his sword tightly in his hands.


He shouted swinging his sword vigorously towards the centipede's head. However, one of the centipede's legs parried his sword before piercing his chest with another leg.


He then coughed out blood as he glared at the centipede, the head of the centipede then opened its mouth and then his body was swallowed whole. The centipede then bradawl it's way underground once again.

"Well, it seems the mission is complete."

He muttered standing on top of a thick tree branch. Though he looked slightly disappointed.

"I wanted to bring his head to the Kingdom but, I guess the commander would do."

Alister muttered quietly to himself, he then jumps down from the tree and disappeared into the forest.

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