Day of arrival

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Three days went by. It was now the day the Princesses would make their return. The preparations were all completed, tonight would be the start of the banquet celebrating their safe return.

The sunrise illuminated the open sky. The Kingdom of Watanabe was bustling with excitement the news of the two Princesses returning spread around the kingdom like wildfire. Many of the citizens were all enthusiastic about their return.

The banquet was set to beheld inside the royal palace where only the most important figures were allowed to be in attendance.

The sound of birds chirping could be heard by the open window. Various sound of people could also be heard outside as the princesses would be arriving in a few hours.

I laid comfortably on my bed still fast asleep. The cold air drifting through the open window. Froze my feet, I gently wrapped my body with a warm blanket to shield me from the cold.

However, the cold air was enough to wake me up from my half sleep state, with that I slowly open my eyes the first thing I saw was the wide ceiling before me I then slowly looked around my room it was clean, and the interior was spacious. When I first came here, I remember I was too nervous to fall asleep. It was my first time sleeping in a room as opulent as this.

Not to mention the bed I was sleeping on was so massive that it could hold five people and still have more room but, now that I have spent a few weeks here I'm starting to get used to it, which once again made me uncomfortable. Could I be getting too comfortable I wondered?

With a small yawn and a stretch of my hand I slowly got up from my bed. Making my way towards my wardrobe in order to pick a suit of clothes. Since today is the day of the princess's arrival I have no choice but to ware something appropriate for the occasion.

With that I started going through a list of clothes; after going through the clothes that was within the wardrobe, I chose two different suits. First was the suit I was to wear upon their arrival in the morning and then one I was to ware in the afternoon during the start of the banquet.

With that it took me a few minutes to get fully dressed, I was now wearing a blue collarless shirt and a black pants. While it was very stylish in appearance. it was also really easy to move around in.

(Since it was just the reunion of the princesses there was no reason for me to dressed too heavily. during the banquet I'll have to go all out)

I thought with a tired face.

With that I went to the bathroom to wash up.


After leaving the bathroom I happened to bump into Princess Scarlett on my way out.

"Oh, hey Princess."

I said in a slight surprised voice.

"Haruto, good morning."

She said with a wide smile.

She was wearing a short pink skirt that reaches her knees. Her red hair went straight down her back. I was surprised by her beauty. Even though I'm supposed to be used to it by now.

"G-Good morning, Princess."

I said nervously.

"You know you don't have to keep calling me Princess you know? I'm fine with being called just by my name. Though it would be a bad move when were with others, you don't have to when were alone."

She said with a slight frown.

"Oh, well then If you don't mind Scarlett."

I said with a somewhat shy smile.

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