Challenge in the banquet

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Hindu made a puzzled face as he looked at Isabella as though he couldn't believe what he had just heard. Never in his life as he felt humiliation like this, with just one smile and a few words he had stolen the hearts of every noble woman he had ask.

His gentle gazed became ice cold as he slowly turns his gaze towards me, I also stood beside Isabella a bit dumbfounded by the sudden promise to dance I had no memories of. Once his gaze turns towards me, I shuddered slightly under his chilling gazed. Why is he looking at me like that? Does he think of me as some kind of love rival or something.

(Isabella what the heck are you doing using me like this? If you don't want to dance with him, couldn't you have just said so sincerely)

I thought while glaring at Isabella who had a playful smile on her face as though she was just an innocent child.

"What exactly do you mean? Lady Isabella you're going to dance with this peasant you must be kidding right?"

Hindu asks while narrowing his eyes at Isabella.

"Fufu... what ever do you mean? Sir Hindu don't I have the right to dance with whoever I want?"

Isabella asks while tilting her head curiously. A friendly smile still remained on her face.

"Yes, you do have the right to dance with whoever you want, but with a commoner of unknown background. Doing something like that will only dishonour this secret grounds. Under normal circumstance he wouldn't even be allowed to step foot in this noble place."

Hindu said while sneering at my direction.

"Is that something you as a noble guest should be saying to her highness's saviour?"

Isabella asks with a frown on her face.

"I'm just speaking the truth here, even if he did saved Princess Scarlett, he is still only just a commoner. Nothing has changed."

My brow twitches at his words. Why am I getting one sided insulted here? is that any way to talk about someone especially when the person himself is right before you, I haven't even done anything wrong since coming here I just wanted to eat In peace.

(Even if I am a commoner, I'm still human. you know? this is why I hate arrogant people)

I sighed quietly trying to stifle down my indignation.

"Sorry but we have to dance soon, so can you leave us be?"

Isabella asked while she intertwine her hands around mine.

"I don't remember ever saying I'll dance with you, though."

I murmured so that no one can hear. However-

"Cut the crap! are you really choosing this commoner over me the next head of the duke household?"

Hindu asks as though he couldn't believe the reality. The three women at his side started to feel the heavy atmosphere and sweat nervously from where they stood. The commotion has attracted the attention of the other nobles in the surrounding as well. Seeing the eyes of the other noble's gathering on us Isabella made an annoyed face.

"Sigh, please go away I have told you many times now. I have no interest in being your fourth wife, so please bother someone else."

Isabella said with a fed-up voice.

(So that's it huh, I knew they must had met before the way they introduce themselves I thought they were meeting for the first time but)

There were many things I find confusing in her statement, but did she just say fourth wife? I crocked my head in total confusion. Was it possible to have more than one wife in this world? But even so he looks to be the same age as me or a bit older, I never thought someone of that age would ever be married. How does a husband share his love equally between that many wives?

"Hmph, there hasn't been a single woman's heart I haven't grasp, I've liked you for a long time now why won't you just accept my love already? Haven't any of my letters reach you?"

He asks with a serious face.

"No, I haven't even read the first one after I found out it was sent by you."

Isabella said nonchalantly. Ouch I think she just shattered his noble heart, as his legs felt weak, he went on all four and held down his head. I sent him a look of pity, poor guy if I was in his shoes, I'm sure I would have done the same thing. The women at his side also sent him gazes filled with sympathy.

"How many times must I be humiliated by you people."

Hindu gritted his teeth and clench his fist. He then gazed at me with eyes filled with hatred before pointing his index finger at me.

"Y-You, I challenge you to a duel, no commoner will ever make fun of me!"

He shouted. Gathering even more attention from the surroundings. Why is he so persistent? Why do I have to get myself involved in this. This guy is more troublesome than I thought, why can't you read the room a little and stop gathering so much attention. and why is he challenging me to a duel now? I don't see any benefit for him since he was literally rejected. I thought as I sighed internally.

(But a duel would be a good opportunity for me to test my magic more effectively)

I secretly thought.

"O-Okay but before I accept your challenge, could you give me a little more time to decide a little?"

I said while awkwardly glancing away.

About that time someone made their way into the conversation.

"Well, you guys seem to be gathering quite a lot of attention don't you think?"

When we all turn our gazes to the left there was an extremely handsome man with deep orange hair and hazel eyes, his hair was comb sideway as his bangs was a bit in his face which covers the left side of his face. He seems to be in his thirties the pressure around his body was extremely intense.

"It's nice seeing you, Sir Ayumu I hope you're doing well."

Isabella said bowing while holding the hem of her dress nervously. Everyone also bowed their heads respectively in unison. I widen my eyes at Isabella who until now had a composed air around her but now she is extremely nervous as soon as she saw him.

(If she is this nervous then this guy must be extremely important huh wait? Did she just say Ayumu isn't that the name of the Watanabe Kingdoms most powerful mage)

I thought while glancing at Ayumu who was drinking his alcohol with elegance.

"So, this is the strongest magic user in this kingdom huh? Didn't think I would meet him this soon."

I muttered.

"Yes, thank you for the polite greeting, now don't you think it's best for kids to enjoy yourself instead of arguing with each other?"

He asks with a refreshing smile on his face.

"Y-Yes I agree with you."

Isabella said somewhat awkwardly.

But then Ayumu gazes met mine.

"Oh, I have heard of you, you must be Sir Haruto lady scarlet's saviour, right?"

He asks as his eyes were lit with deep interest.

"A-Ah yes that's me."

I said with nervousness in my voice.

"Well, I hope we will have some time to talk personally young Haruto."

He said with a faint smile.


I wanted to learn more about magic from the best possible teacher, my instincts were telling me that this is our chance to grow stronger. However, as though he couldn't read the room.

"Oi, don't forget I challenge you to a dual peasant!"

Hindu shouted.

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