Haruto vs Gael (2/2)

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The sound of stone could be heard clearly falling to the ground, the stones which were assembled with the blade of Gael's sword started changing form, the corner became sharp, and the tip became pointy. Gael held his sword upwards with both hands.

The height of his sword created a long shadow before me. The crackling of the earth vibrating sounded.

"Hehehe... well kid you should be honoured I had to use this technique on a wimp like you, let me see if your coat still has what it takes to endure this!"

He shouted, swinging his sword horizontally sideways.


Sensing the impending danger before me, I scampered away, running outside the range of his long sword. Once the sword was only inches away from my body I promptly went down into a low posture.


The 20 cm long sword slice the many wooden houses that were still in contact from the earlier attack.


With the pillars of each houses segmented, the roof came crashing downward.


I quickly turned my head towards a small child in the distance, the foundation holding the ceiling was about to collapse taking the roof along with it.

"Ori Loudis!!"

I quickly enchanted my physical strength, vigorously running into the direction of the small child.


At the last second, I was able to grab the child, however, the pillars holding the ceiling was unable to endure the pressure, a loud sound of stoned falling to the ground resounded well in my ear, sh*t! At this rate, we'll both be crushed.

"Tch, mother of earth shields me from all danger, earth wall!"

A magic circle was formed. The ground began to elevate, two brick walls shot upwards, supporting the ceiling with its sturdiness, the ceiling which was on the verge of collapsing was stopped. Fortunately, nothing bad happened, my mana was draining fast. It was a good thing I have a large amount, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to stop the ceiling from falling. I had used up quite a lot of mana making the foundations as sturdy as possible.

With that, I could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

"Heh, are you in any position to be letting your guard down?"

I quickly turned my head towards the voice, suddenly another large shadow came over my head. Gael held his sword high before bringing it downwards.

I immediately leaped away from that spot, dodging the attack swiftly.


The wooden house, where I was standing mere moments ago was cleanly sliced horizontally into two halves. Seeing the destructive power behind the attack I widen my eyes slightly.

(What a pain this is...)

I landed on the ground, watching the back of the small child became smaller in my gaze. I observed Gael's long stone sword. It was impressive he could nonchalantly swing that sword around. Hmm? Wait!

I squinted my eyes slightly watching Gael who was standing a few distance away.

(Ahh, so that's it... using an attack of that magnitude definitely reduced a lot of stamina, doesn't it)

I could clearly see Gaels exhausted figure. Not only were there beads of sweat streaming down his face, but his breathing became irregular as well. Not only that I don't think he has an abundant of mana like I do, so... if I'm not wrong, he should be reaching his limit soon. All I need to do is dodge and continue wearing him out. A small cheeky grin then appeared on my face.

I push my front leg forward then charged towards him. Seeing me coming towards him a small grin was formed on his face.


He once again swung his long sword horizontally. Clearing out the many obstacles in the way. Once the blade of the sword was inches before my body i leaped over the blade. Landing safely to the side.

Gael once again spun his body using the momentum of his swing to attack me horizontally. A strong gale was created by the force of his swing. Reading the trajectory of the blade I once again dodged the blade, at the last second.


The blade gently grazed the tips of my long coat. The line streaks going across my coat glow faintly. Crimson sparks crackled from my coat.

"Haaah! Haaah! Tch, how long are you going to keep running, you rat!"

He suddenly exclaimed loudly. His long stone sword was already crumbling and bursting apart. Hmm.... So, it's just as I thought he can't keep this up for long.

"Now it's my turn..."

I spoke. As a confident smile grace my face.

"Mother of wind blast my target, Windstorm!"

I shouted. A three-layer magic formation was formed. Destructive torrent of wind gathered. Condensing, the spell was fired towards Gael.

Seeing the attack coming towards him, he braced himself with his long stone sword firmly in his hands.

Waiting for the attack to get close he swung his sword horizontally once again.


Our two attacks clashed. Sending a powerful wave across the village.


The sound of cracking could be heard, the sound came from Gaels stone sword. Against the torrent of densely made wind powered by my mana, the stone sword was unable to endure the impact, slowly breaking apart piece by piece. Once all the stones were gone and only the steel blade of Gaels sword was left his body was hit by the torrent of wind and carried away by the heavy wind.



His body was hurled towards the outer perimeter of the village and sent flying into the densely grown forest.

"Sigh, it's finally over now."

I muttered while walking into the direction Gaels body was sent flying. After walking for approximately 20 minutes, I gaze toward Gaels unconscious body. The white of his eyes were clearly visible. Most of the trees were also topple down, some were bent unnaturally. And had dent and blood staining the bark.

After observing for a few minutes, I tied Gaels unconscious body and dragged him back towards the outer perimeter of the village, leaving him hanging beside his other companions.

"N-no way, even the boss couldn't beat these guys."

"Tch, Damn it!"

The two-adventurer looked at their leader with shocked expressions on their faces.

"Now, you guys hang here for a while, I have some things to take care of."

I said before turning my back facing the same direction of the village. My long coat fluttered gently by the wind, as I placed both my hands inside my side pocket.

And leisurely walked towards the village with a satisfied smile on my face.

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