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The Deki forest was in uproar, cries of various creatures sounded all over the vicinity. I turned my head to the sound of the rustling of the bushes.


A large black wolf jumped out while running frantically through the forest. The wolf was so terrified that it didn't even notice our presence.

"Umm... is there a reason the monsters are so agitated?"

I asked completely confused.

"I don't know, this is the first for me too."

Alya said gazing in the direction of where the wolf ran off. She made an expression as though troubled.

"Is there something wrong?"

"No, not really I just... can't help but feel we're being watched."

Alya said while gazing into the far distance. I subconsciously followed her gazed but all I could see was a huge mountain. It was impossible for me to see directly what was on top, however Alya's green eyes narrowed faintly.

"Did you see anything?"

I asked curiously.

"No... I didn't, unfortunately, but maybe it was just my imagination. We should continue."

Alya said showing a gentle smile.

"... yes."

I said with a wry smile.


We both continue moving passing many different fields and lake, the Deki forest was really massive, I honestly don't want to stay too long inside this forest. If it comes down to it, I guess it would be better for us to fly.

"... Sigh, my dress keeps getting stuck on these tree branch."

Alya said annoyedly.

"Uh, let me help you..."

I held onto the soft fabric of her one-piece blue dress, and gently pulled it off the tree branch so it doesn't get ripped or damage.

"It's off."

"Thank you."

Alya said with a sweet smile. Her long dress then fluttered down her waist.

".... Beautiful."

I muttered subconsciously.


"Ah, it was nothing."

I said with a red face.

"Fufufu... you don't have to feel embarrassed; you know. I really love it whenever I make your heart skip a beat."

She said with a blushing face.

"I don't mind If you call me darling, while complimenting me."

She said looking at me from the corners of her eyes while twirling the bangs of her green hair. It was a beautiful gesture, however My brow twitches uncomfortably when hearing her words.

"If it gets too late let's fly, it should shorten our travel by a considerable amount."

I said changing the subject. However, the blush on her cheeks hadn't fade as she nodded her head. Cough, cough I turned around and started walking away.


"Is something wrong?"

Alya asked tilting her head adorably. I shook my head slowly before turning my head.

"We need to go; someone is being attack by monsters."

I said before running in the southern parts of the Deki forest. While I was running Alya simply flew over my head with graceful movements.

The Second Incarnation of the God of CreationWhere stories live. Discover now