Peerless beauty!

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A beam of ice rain down from the sky, each of the beam of ice was cold enough to freeze anything it touches instantly in layers of ice. The trajectory of the icy breath was frighteningly accurate.

"Tch, mother of fire blasts my target, flare ball!"

With my arm outstretched a magic formation was formed, followed by a blast of fire, which converted into a giant ball of flame.

The icy breath and ball of flame met from the front.

The two-attack made contact as the flame ball was easily overpowered.

"Not good."

I said with a stern expression, I then put strength into my legs preparing to get out of the range of the incoming ice beam. However, before I could move, my hand was tightly grasped by Alya who had a nonchalant expression on her face. Before I could glance at her, she gently yanked me towards her!

She then raised her hand upwards as a vortex of wind surrounded us in a spiral motion.

The icy breath made contact with the spiral of wind. As a result, we were completely ensnared in a dome made of ice.

"My, my, I didn't think this beast would be this strong. I guess going easy on it would be suicidal."

Alya said in a grave tone, however, contrary to her words her expression was extremely relaxed.

"If you're going to say something like that, why don't you look a little bit concern?"

I muttered in exasperation.

"Fumu, it's been a while since I last fought a tough opponent. You know, the silver fox race is known to be extremely good fighters, I want to have a good fight against this beast."

She said in a cheerful tone, completely pumping herself up. I'm glad one of us is enjoying this. But my fire magic was easily overpowered by its ice. I need a stronger fire attack and then its lightning attack was also extremely strong and fast at the same time. Letting my guard down now is a bad decision I really need to start using some strong attacks.

I looked at the two ring which were still placed on my fingers,

(I wonder if my attacks would be stronger if I removed these rings?)

I wondered internally, however, when thinking about the consequences that could happened if I ever were to remove the rings I hesitated. Eventually deciding against doing so.

"For the time being let's leave this place."

Alya said raising her hand upwards as a strong gust of wind then shot out of her palm and made a direct hit on the dome of ice.


The dome shattered as fragments of ice fell from the ceiling, rays of sunlight then shone inside the dome brightening up the insides. Alya then leaped towards the opened space made by her wind. I also followed her lead. And landed on top of the dome.

The nine tailed fox beast stood on top of the shrine. A look of caution presents in its crimson eyes.

"Hmm... why didn't it attack us while we were trapped? It was the perfect chance to attack, wasn't it?"

I asked aloud completely confused.

"Hm... perhaps it's trying to safeguard its territory, their species are known to be very territorial."

Alya said somewhat dubiously. A look of contemplation presents on her face. Noticing that I cocked my head in confusion.

The silver fox tails all started glowing as electricity started flickering around its nine long silver tails. The electricity then quickly condensed and fired blasts of lightning bolts. All coming straight towards our direction.

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