Back to the academy

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Hearing the voice of the Queen, Scarlett and I promptly made our way downstairs. Inside the massive living room of the royal castle filled with the best furnishers and paintings there was the Queen and Hinata seated in one of the many couches that was placed inside the room. Hinata was dressed in her school uniform for the academy, the colour of the uniform was different from what Scarlett had worn, she was dressed in a blue and white blazers and wore a bright blue skirt that was slightly above her knees. Her radiant white thigh was slightly exposed, her long fiery red hair was tied in a ponytail which went down her back. Seeing the Princess dressed up like this, I widen my eyes, she showed a charm different from Princess Scarlett. I couldn't help but stare.


Scarlett thrust her elbow striking my chest with great force, my face grimace as I let out a small groan while gently massaging the place where it hurts. She then turned her face away in a huff. Did I do something wrong? I wondered.

"Fufufu... it seems my cute little sister also has a jealous side to her, it's the first I'm seeing this, so I must thank Sir Haruto for allowing me this chance."

Hinata said covering her mouth with a small giggle, the Queen seated on her left also seem to be surprised of seeing that side of her daughter as she had a look of astonish on her face. She then cross both her arms and stared at me for a brief moment before speaking.

"My, my it seems Haruto will be the one to make this ship set sail, and just when I thought my little Princess wasn't interested in romance... it seems I failed to notice development."

She said with sparkling eyes with the expression of a mother who wants the best for her daughter. Scarlett's face become bright red as she protested against them while swinging both her arms.

"Hey! W-what are you two talking about, don't just jump to conclusion on your own!"

"My, my who exactly is jumping to conclusion here. I'm just saying what my eyes see."

She said with a look of amusement on her face. Grinning while watching the tinge of red on her sister's cheek. I don't even know what to say anymore, but holding my tongue is probably the best choice in this situation. I really don't want to dig my own grave by saying anything weird. I thought.

"Now then you guys should be going now."

With that we made our way towards the two-sided castle gate. The endless azure sky came into view as the cold morning air caress my skin, it was still really early in the morning, so the outside was quite cold. The only warmth that was available was the warmth of the sun radiating from the sky. We stayed underneath a massive size tree measuring roughly 30 feet that was growing in the opened field at the front gate. We waited roughly 10 minutes until the sound of a horse drawn carriage entered our ears. The sound gradually became louder as the carriage came into view and stop by the castle gate.

It was a beautiful carriage with a mix of gold and silver marked with the royal family crest. There was also a large four-legged creature pulling the carriage from the forefront.

"It seems our ride is here shall we go?"

Hinata said while turning to face us from behind.


"Of course."

We both replied eagerly. We then went towards the giant golden two-sided gate, seeing our arrival the knights promptly opened the gate to let us through. We then boarded the carriage and went on our way. To pass the time I turn my gaze to the window on my left outside viewing the scenery of the capital of Watanabe. 20 minutes went by, and we finally arrive at the school gate. And went to the school campus, which was already filled with noble children.

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