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The rustling of leaves could be heard as we made our way towards the mountain range, we had been walking for roughly 20 minutes, we had to take short breaks in order to replenish our depleted stamina, our walk had been rather peace full there hasn't been any monsters since our encounter with the goblins from earlier.

I had to slow down my pace since Tracy wasn't used to the wilderness, he was struggling quite a lot whether it's through walking through the thorny bushes or simply climbing paths which were obstructed with object inside the dense forest.

We hadn't run into any other students on our way here, so I guess their probably elsewhere inside this forest, I honestly hope we don't run into anything too dangerous on our way.

-Don't worry. If it comes down to it, I can materialize myself and appear in my physical form.

Alya said with a cheerful tone. I couldn't help but laugh a little at her words they were reassuring but I have to make sure that doesn't happen. So far, our journey had been going well. But I have to be prepared for an ambush or any monsters who might be lurking nearby.

Just being attack last time made me lose my cool from the sight of that spear. Of course, I've lived a peaceful life back home and had no experience in conflict even that fight with Hindu was only a practice battle so, this was my first life and death match.

After approximately 10 minutes of walking, we finally arrived at the mountain range. We are now standing before a massive size hill which measured roughly 220 cm in height.

"Are we really going to climb this?"

He asks while looking at the size of the mountain with a pale face, this mountain was obviously too high to be climb not to mention some of the stones and dirt were falling apart. It was way too dangerous I could easily tell just by looking, I was able to glide through the sky using the wind, but Tracy isn't able to do that. Falling from such height would most likely resulting in death. I honestly don't want to take that kind of risk with the duke son.

(What should I do now?)

I wondered internally; we have to keep moving forward going back would take a considerably amount of time. I then folded my arms and made a contemplative look. I could easily feel Tracy's expected gaze on my right, but I couldn't think about that now. I sighed deeply not able to come up with a way to get through this situation. After pondering for a while, I opened my eyes before speaking.

"We're going to fly up."

I muttered quietly. Hearing my words Tracy made a dumfounded face while gazing at me with a look of amazement.

"Eh... wait you're not serious, are you?"

He asks staring at me for confirmation with a flustered face. I could understand his worries even I'm not that confident in my ability to freely control the wind. If I mess up and we fall it's over. But after carefully thinking about the choices available to us at this moment it's the only conclusion I can come up with.

-Now that you're in a contract with me your wind element and control should have increased, as you now have the blessing of the wind spirit.

Alya said giving her support to my decision. Yes, it should be fine as long as I can control the wind pressure and our movement should also be fine with the wind guiding us.

"That's what will do. Are if you know of another way to get to the top, I'm all ears."

I said giving him an option to decide after all this is supposed to a team exercise, I'm not so narrowed minded to not listen to the opinion of others, if he can think of another method then that would be great, but Tracy shook his head denying knowing of a way to get to the top as expected. The height of the cliff is too large and perhaps using magic to raise one physical strength is one option, but the dirt and tarnish stones were falling apart that method was way too risky. Hearing his reply, I nodded my head before preparing to use wind magic.

The Second Incarnation of the God of CreationWhere stories live. Discover now