A request

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Once I made it back inside the village, I made an apologetic face seeing the destruction of the wooden houses, the village was already in bad condition, but my battle with Gael only made it a lot of worst. It seems I may have gone a bit overboard, however, I felt relief seeing that the villagers were all safe and sound. I might be able to help with most of the repair before I leave.

Many of the villagers slowly came up towards me. Among them a woman who seem to be in her early twenties lowered her head to me. Ehm, confused I looked at the woman, why was she bowing to me? I wondered. The woman had long brown hair that reaches her waist. Her eyes were filled with a sense of maturity.

"Thank you, for protecting my child."

The woman said in a voice that convey deep gratitude. Hearing that I made a blank expression, however, my eyes caught sight of a small boy hiding behind her back.

(Oh... the kid from back then)

I smiled finally understanding why the woman was thanking me, I thought that I would be met with ridicule for destroying their village more than it already was.

"It was nothing, so don't worry about it."

I replied with a faint smile. When my gaze met the sky, I notice it was dyed with an orange colour. as the sun set could be seen in the eastern sky. Signalling the end of the day. I calmly walked over to the village chief house. There was a green transparent barrier surrounding the entire house. Alya must had put it up in case the house gets caught up in the earlier battle.

"Hey, Alya can you let me in?!"

I shouted while standing before the house entrance. No sooner the barrier surrounding the house was completely removed. I then calmly walked inside. What greeted me was a bunch of eyes filled with thankfulness, curiosity and appreciation.

Hmm... what's with this atmosphere? It's even worse than outside. I thought sighing.

"Fufufu... what's wrong? Hero, are you not satisfied with the welcome you've been given."

Alya said a mischievous smile bloomed on her well-ordered face, her face filled with pride. However, my brow twitch when hearing her wording, 'Hero' since when was I promoted to such title? I sighed ignoring the implication behind her word instead I turned my head towards the village chief who seems to have regain consciousness.

Two children were hugging him from either side. The small girl with orange coloured hair continued to clutch the old man's sleeves while her eyes were filled with tears. Seeing them in such state I hesitated about approaching them or not.

"Alya is the old man, okay? I remember he had serious injuries."

I turned to Alya and asked.

"Uhm... he's perfectly fine. Some of his bones and organs had taken serious damage. But I was able to repair them, although it will still take a few minutes before he's back in perfect condition. Though... my mana has been completely diminished after healing the entire village since we came here."

Alya explained. Frowning.

"I see... well its fine then, you can regain mana from me later, once we go to sleep."

I said sighing.

"So, how about you, Haruto... Judging from the exhausted look present on your face, it seems your fight wasn't an easy one."

Alya said staring at my appearance closely. I could only shrug my shoulders in responds. Maybe I should report this to the adventurer guild, even though the guild isn't responsible for what the adventurers do outside the guild, from my opinion they're still the blame for their actions.

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