Magic and Element

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(A/N: This is a really long chapter. Again, please let me know if you see any errors or broken sentences while reading. I hope you enjoy~)

We arrived at the school gate there were guard stationed at each side of the gate. They wore armor that completely protect their entire body, when they notice scarlets arrival, they both bowed while placing their arms at their chest, showing proper courtesy to the princess. Seeing how serious they were my face stiffen up a little, of course, this was a school for royalties and nobility so I couldn't help but feel out of place.

"There is no need to be nervous everything will be fine."

"I'm not nervous I just want to make a good first impression."

The knights then open the gate to let us through.

"Good morning, my lady."

"Yes, and same to you."

"G-Good morning."

I greeted them nervously of course I didn't want to embarrass myself, so I tried to be as polite as possible.

When we entered the school, I saw nobles and royalties wearing uniforms, chatting along they seem to be in their early teens to mid-teens, there was also knight guards everywhere you look.

Some nobles had their own personal maid with them, the outside of the school looked extremely big but it doesn't compare to the inside of the school field there were small building on each side the exterior of the buildings were all well-made, it was obvious the outer walls were well constructed and built with perfection, and in the middle, there was a huge building, which look even more well-made and luxurious when compared with the other buildings in the surrounding. I slowly followed after Scarlett to make sure I don't get lost. When we arrived on campus, we were greeted by some of Scarlett's friends.

"Scarlett you finally came it's not like you to be late."

She said with a bit of surprise.

"It's not like I wanted to be late, I ran into some issue this morning."

Scarlett looked at me with a somewhat displeased face I did apologize for wakening up late many times on our way here cold sweat was running down my face.

"I'm really sorry about that."

Scarlett's friend looked at me with a really curious expression. She had really white skin brown hair and sparkly blue eyes.

"Let me introduce you, this is Haruto Sato due to some circumstances he is currently staying at the royal palace."

Scarlett said nervously it was decided by the king that I would have their backing, having the royal family support would help keep troublesome nobles away.

"I see, I'm Chelsey Wesley, the third daughter of the Wesley noble family it's nice to meet you Sir Haruto."

She said with a light bow.

"Ye-yes please treat me well."

I gently extended my hand to Chelsey she slightly blushes but then shakes my hands.

With that we then made our way to the class room I noticed there was mostly high-ranking nobles present there was a lot of guys and girls each from rich and noble families and quite a few royalties, those who are not nobles and royalties all stayed in their own lane of course this was understandable, normally commoners wouldn't even be able to speak to a noble much less those from a royal birth, the thought of what might happened to them and their family if they would ever step out of line and be rude to a noble or Royalty is enough to make them turn pale.

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