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After Hana had pointed Scarlett to the direction where Subrina was currently located, she gently held the hem of her dress and quickly rush towards the 20-layer wooden staircase, once she was at the top floor, she saw a white square door with a small doorknob in her line of sight.

She placed her hand at the door and softly knock. However, there was no answer, she gently touches the knob. as she exhales a small breath before opening the door.

Once Scarlett had opened up the door, she was quickly greeted with the sight of a beautiful figure of a beautiful silver hair girl quietly sitting on a small bed with a face that lacks any expression. Her beautiful violet eyes did not reflect anything.

Seeing her friend in such a state made her feel a sense of sadness as she gritted her teeth and clench her fist cursing her own powerlessness.

Was there really nothing she could do she ask herself; her friend was always so happy whenever they were together, she could still remember all those happy memories they shared together shared.

But the person before her now was not like the happy gentle free-spirited girl she remembered.

Scarlett slowly walked towards the girl setting on a small wooden bed with a daze look on her face the room was small and lack furnishers there was only her bed drawers and a small closet.

There was also a small glass window the curtain was drawn slightly only a small sunlight escape through the small open gap.

"Subrina it's been a while.... have you been taking care of yourself?"

She asked with a somewhat forced smile.


There was no response, she didn't even look in her direction. maybe she will eventually talk if she keeps going, she thought.

"I want you to know that I'm always here for you whenever you need me."

Scarlett said while still keeping her smile on her face.


"Subrina is there anything I can do for you?"

She asked with a desperate look. Subrina however did not reply to her question her face still remained expressionless as it was.

Even though they were both facing each other her eyes did not even register her presence before her.

A surge of wavering emotion gush from her body Scarlett wanted to cry but decided to remain strong before her best friend.

(Why? why did she have to end up like this? She was always so kind so gentle, why did something so awful had to happened to her? she had the brightest smile just seeing her smile always made me happy. it's not fair why did this had to happened? I wanted to see you more I wanted to talk to you more, that smile of yours that always made me want to smile. It would make me so sad if you were to completely lose your smile.)

While she had been in deep thought with a sorrowful look on her face, she hadn't realized that tears were slowly running down her fair white cheek in a straight line.

She bites her lips so hard that it felt like her lips would bleed. what could she do she wondered again that same question repeated in her head. She then noticed a few photo albums by the side of Subrina's bed on the wooden drawer.

The photo showed Subrina and her family they were all smiling happily, she was with her older brother he had a handsome face with brown hair.

Her mother was a beautiful woman with long silver hair that reaches her waist while her father had a refined face with short brown hair. There were also photos of Subrina and herself together, those were their best memories together.

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