Contract, and an unexpected visitor

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"It's finally time... What does that mean?"

I ask confused by her words. Come to think of it the last time I saw her she did say now wasn't the right time didn't she.

"Your body has now grown accustomed to your power, so now I no longer need to hold back your seal. So, I'll stop suppressing your power now."

She said in a dull tone.

"Wait does this mean I have even more mana. Your joking, right?"

I asked desperately.

(Would my neglect ring be able to suppress all of my mana now? Wouldn't monsters really be able to attack now)

I thought while sweating coldly.

"Haruto, will you form a contract with me?"

She asked in a gentle tone.


I asked tilting my head.

"Yes, it's the formal agreement between us, and from here on we will officially be partners."

She spoke. At almost the same time the vortex of wind surrounding her slowly cleared. I could now see her face. Her beautiful long green hair which had a long blue and green ribbon on the side fluttered gracefully in the wind.

Her long one-piece blue dress was sleeveless showing off her slandered arms, there were two silver diamond armament places on either side of her thin dress which was easily dancing with the gentle breeze.

"Well Haruto... what will you do."

She asked her green eyes sparkling in anticipation.

"I don't know what happened when we form a contract? I know will be partners, but I don't see why I should."

I said with a frown.

First of all, who is this girl why does it seem she knows more about myself than I do she's been calling me by my first name like its natural, and I don't remember telling her my name. I really don't know anything about this girl at all.

"Sorry but I don't think I can just trust someone I don't know anything about."

I said calmly.

"Fair enough. Then let me tell you."

She said calmly though there was some disappointment in her voice but maybe it's just my imagination.

"I am Alya the wind spirit, and I've been connected to you Haruto since birth."

She said with a small smile on her face.

"Huh?... since birth?"

I made a confused face while staring at her blankly. How could that be possible I'm not from this world. "Does this mean you've known about me even before I came to this world?"

I asked for clarification.

"Yes, didn't you remember what I said before? I'm the one who has always watched over you."

She said while tilting her head. She's been watching over me since the day I was born wouldn't she have had to been in earth for that to even be possible. None of this make any sense.

"Weren't you from this world?"

I ask in a slightly loud voice. While still making a confused face.

"No, I think you are misunderstanding." She said with a troubled face.


I said with a frown.

"Yes, we the spirits are not from this world or your original world either... we are from a spiritually world no humans can visually see, nor can there be any human who can physically touch that world. The spirits are able to move freely between worlds, we make contract with humans who we believed are worth making a partnership with."

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