Blessings of the silver fox

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The glimmering of sunlight spill down on the surroundings, the hilly area which was once a beautiful scenery of greenery was now bathe in fresh snow and ice, there were countless spikes which has risen from the earth measuring 20 cm in height.

However, contrary to the disastrous field the hilly terrain looked quite beautiful as the sunlight rained down on the mountain.

Alya who was standing tall had both her arms clad in a mysterious green light. The body of the woman laying below her had her face grimacing in pain as she gritted her teeth. The sweat trickling down her white cheek gave her a bewitching look that is capable of enticing anyone's carnal desires.

"I want you to remove the hem of her dress."

Alya said as she crouched down from her position.

"Eh? Wait isn't that a bit much, why do I have to do it?"

"Stop being such a baby and do it already."

She said in a slight irritated tone, but I really didn't want to do something so indecent, especially to an unconscious woman. But the gaze I was receiving from Alya basically gave me no way to make any excuses. With a short sigh I slowly stretched my trembling hands towards the hem of her slightly transparent dress.

I slowly lifted her dress upwards revealing her gorgeous Snow-White thigh, seeing this I unconsciously gulped. The soft texture of her smooth thigh was transmitted to my palm. However, her smooth skin was a bit cold compared with normal humans. Seeing that I widen my eyes as I gazed at her snow-white thigh that was slightly revealed beneath her dress.

"You aren't having indecent thoughts, are you?"

Alya asked, her voice taking a somewhat menacing tone.

"No, no it's only your imagination."

I said nervously, Alya placed her hand towards the wounded area of her leg. There was a large wound there with blood and flesh covering her white thigh.

Once Alya had placed her hands on that exact spot, the mysterious light travelled towards the woman's thigh... light gathered as the woman's flesh started repairing itself until the large wound started to decrease in size. Soon the wound on her thigh closed completely, and all that remains were fresh blood stains.

Alya sighed seeing that the wounds were healed and then turned her eyes towards the slender hand of the woman.

"Seriously you were too merciless in your attack."

I said somewhat sarcastically.

"Says the guy who literally opened up a hole in her thigh."

Alya retorted with a sharp gazed. I have no excuse for that I'm aware I'll have to apologize to her once she has regained consciousness. Alya held the woman's hand close, the mysterious light once again travelled towards the woman's hand and the wound started the same process as her thigh.

Once all of her injuries were healed Alya finally relaxed her muscles as she sat down.

"I still don't understand why a silver fox is all the way out here."

Alya muttered under her breath, her face filled with a contemplative expression.

"Hm, do you know something about her?"

I asked curiously. However, Alya shook her head in denial.

"I don't know about her but... I once interacted with the silver fox race a long time ago. From what I remember they were a prideful race that lived in the northern parts of the world, they weren't a race that would come all the way in human territory."

She explained.

"I see, well maybe she is different, who knows maybe she got tired of being away from the world."

I said in a suggestive tone. Though I'm not sure how each of the races of this world views each other, but no matter what race they are in the end their all-living beings. It was natural to want to explore the rest of the world and meet other people.

"No, you're wrong.... The silver fox race looks down on humans, when I last saw them, they had no interest or intention of ever getting involved with them. So, I doubt that's the case... and also this feather fan has the mark of the main family. There is no way someone from the main family would ever be given the permission of the head to leave the clan."

She said while gazing absentmindedly at the feather fan hidden inside the woman's clothes. Hmmm.... I didn't notice that until now. When looking at it closely it seems to be a feather fan of really high quality.

"Hey, can you explain to me about the main family you keep talking about? Why is there a clan? And are the ones who comes from the main family special?"

I inquired curiously.

"Sigh, over a hundred years ago, I once travelled towards the northern region, there was a place called the frozen den, it's the place where they all lived. Back then I was really surprised seeing how advanced the village of that place was... but I ended up in a little argument with one of the silver fox men who wouldn't stop flirting with me. In the end I was brought to the elder of that clan... and had a mock battle with her, she was a really strong fighter and a capable woman, though she still couldn't compare with yours truly."

She explained puffing up her pitiful chest proudly. Seeing that I sighed quietly, it's even more pitiful how you keep making yourself look good even when talking about others.

"Cough. Our mock battle ended in my victory, and the elder was so amazed by my brilliant ability that we became good friends, since then I had a good relationship with the fox race and even visited them from time to time. However, after the war three hundred years ago. I lost contact with them."

Alya explained her expression became slightly gloomy at the end. I guess she was really good friends with the elder, huh... I wonder what she looked like, in order to get a mental image of the fox race I looked at the woman's body. However, my view was subconsciously drawn to the woman's ample breast that would rise and fall erratically by the rhythm of her own breathing.

(Damn it! Why do I keep thinking about that!!)

It can't be that I'm secretly a pervert, right?

No that can't be!

"Nn, are you, okay?"

"Y-yes don't worry about it."

I said somewhat awkwardly.

"Cough, could you tell me more about the main family?"

"Sure, the main family are a bit special when compared with the normal silver foxes."

"Hmm... special how for example?"

Alya place her hand beneath her chin as she explained.

"They all have the unique ability to increase or decrease their sizes, they also have slightly more mana when compared with the others and also, they are blessed with the blessing of this world. Now what was that blessing again."

Alya made a thoughtful expression while closing her eyes lost in deep thought.


A soft and clear voice sounded.

The woman who should be laying down opened her crimson eyes, her vertically slit pupils trembled unsteadily.

"Are you, okay?"

I asked as concerned filled my voice. I offered her my hand; however, she raised her upper body on her own, strands of her long, luscious silver hair flowed to her shoulders. As she released misty breath. My brow twitch slightly as she was ignoring my outstretched hand.

"Your finally awake, there is something I'd like to ask you."

Alya said turning her emerald eyes towards the silver-haired woman. The woman looked back into those gem-like eyes as she asked.

"What does a high-ranking spirit want with me?"

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