Force choice

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With the battle now concluded I leisurely walked back towards the two who were previously fighting, though my brow furrowed slightly when I saw the disastrous sight of field which had ice covering the ground and black smoke rising from the ground from where the lightning bolts had risen from, I guess I should have expected this to happen as they were using this place for their mock battle.

I had told them not to destroy the surroundings more than necessary but... it seems that was impossible, though I am really surprised with the abilities of the silver fox race, their ability to easily manipulate ice and lightening doesn't seem like any type of magic or spirit arts. And also... Alya's abilities was also impressive, previously I thought she was a rear-guard considering she like to stay at a distance and manipulate the wind to attack her opponents.

At least that was her usual fighting style from what I know but, her swordsmanship wasn't bad nor was it at the level at a master, she also seems fairly skilled at close quarter combat as well.

While thinking about that I stopped at a distance of five feet of both Alya and Nikita. While smiling amicably.

"Now then, Alya are you satisfied with the results?"

I inquired while gazing at Alya who had a somewhat aloof expression on her face, when I suddenly spoke those words her brow twitches before she heaved a sigh.

"I see... so you were already aware of my plans, huh?"

Alya said her mouth upturned into a faint smile. However, Nikita had a confused expression as she listened to us converse.

"What do you mean? What plan?"

She asked.

"Alya was only testing you to see whether or not you'd be able to keep up with us, it seems she had already predicted that I would try to invite you."

I explained calmly. Hearing that Nikita turned her crimson eyes towards Alya. However, towards such gaze Alya simply shrugs her shoulders before coughing.

"Anyway, this changes nothing, I still find you quite lacking when compared to the silver fox I once knew... however, I will follow with whatever Haruto wishes, as his contracted spirit it's my job to obey the will of my contractor after all."

"Is that so, humph I didn't know you have humility for an arrogant woman who has no manners."

"What did you just say?! Do you want me to pluck those silver fur of yours?"

The two immediately started bickering with the other. I think I'm going to have a headache mediating between those two, it's like watching cats and dogs. Though it'd be really bad if I let those words slip out.

"Will you let go of me!!"

"Maybe I'll consider it if you take back your insults from before."

"Tch, insults I was simply speaking the truth."

Alya raised her voice, Nikita was holding her in place by her two-twin tail. Her face contorted in pain as she was drag by both side of her hair, Alya was struggling to break free from Nikita's grasp when a soft and fluffy sensation tickled her nose. Nikita's silver fox tail was going. Swish~ Swish~ before her eyes. Suddenly a devilish grin was formed on her pink lips. She used both her hands and grab two of Nikita's silver fox tails

"Wha... H-hey, s-stop my tail is very... sensitive."

Nikita exclaimed as she lost the strength from her legs and went into a crouching position. Her breathing was disordered as she glared at Alya who held her silver tail hostage.

"Fufufu... interesting weakness, you have here... rub, rub, it's like laying on a pillow."

Alya used Nikita's silver tail to cress her white cheek which was tinged with pink. Nikita was on the verge of tears as her tail was being cuddled by Alya. Sigh... I guess I'll have to be the mature one.

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