What's yet to come?

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The royal family was now about to have Breakfast in the dining room together in addition I was also expected to be in attendance.

Originally, I wanted to respectfully decline the offer and eat in my room instead since it would be better for the royal family who hadn't seen each other in quite a while to eat together. However, it seems the first Princess Hinata really wanted to meet me, so I decided to accept their generous offer.

Thus, we are now in a big dining room seated around a rectangular shaped wooden table. Scarlett was seated on my left, while Hinata was seated on my right. Both the King and Queen was seated side by side on the opposite of Hinata, while Rachael was seated before me.

Hot meals were prepared by the maid, the meal today were scrambled eggs and bacon, side dishes were also prepared such as fried apples and cinnamon rolls and warm milk.

"Please allow me to introduce myself, I am the first Princess. Hinata Watanabe, please to meet you."

Hinata said introducing herself with a small smile adorning her beautiful face.

"Nice to meet you Your Highness, I'm Haruto Sato."

I said respectfully.

I then shifted my gazed to the little girl sitting a few meters away.

"I-It's nice to meet you I'm the third Princess Racheal Watanabe."

She said introducing herself with a small frown on her childish face.

"Nice to meet you."

(Hmm... could it be that I did something wrong to upset her?)

I thought seeing the clear annoyance on her face.

"Sigh, please don't make it bother you too much young Haruto. You see she seem to have a very big value of her social position, so she's not use to talking to someone beneath her own status so respectfully."

The King said as he sighed annoyedly.

(I see... well I guess that made sense, considering how she has lived her life surrounded by people of high status her entire life)

I secretly thought.

"It's fine don't worry about it."

I said to reassure them.

"So, Haruto how have you enjoy your stay here so far?"

Hinata suddenly asked.

"Well, I guess it's been really good, though I'm still not fully accustomed to certain stuff as of yet."

I responded, answering her question.

"Oh, if you have any problems, you can always come to me you know?"

"Oh, thank you very much Princess."

I responded somewhat awkwardly.

"Of course, you can also come to me if you need anything."

Scarlett suddenly gazed deeply with me as she said that.

"I see thank you for your consideration."

I said a bit overwhelmed by their enthusiasm and smile wryly.

"Hahaha... well look at that it seems Hinata has already taken a liking to you Haruto."

The King said while laughing heartily.

"Fufu... of course I knew Hinata would take a liking to young Haruto."

The Queen chuckled cheerfully.

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