The exiled princess of ice

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The silver haired woman stared into the emerald eyes of Alya without fear. The two women who were the literal definition of the word 'Beautiful' only continued gazing at the other as though probing the other intentions. A heavy silence filled the surroundings. However, the one who ended the game of 'Staring contest' was the spirit of wind, Alya.

"Judging by that fan in your possession, which is engraved with the mark of the main family, can I assume you're a part of that family bloodline?"

Alya asked getting straight to the main point. The silver haired woman only continued gazing at Alya before she eventually sighed before opening up her mouth.

"Yeah, I'm from the main family, is that a problem?"

The woman inquired cocking her head curiously.

"Well, that depends on the circumstance of why you're all the way out here, now could you tell me why someone from the main family is all the way out here, without any guards or guardians?"

Alya's eyes became sharp as she asked.

"Hmph, don't you think your being too nosy, even for a high-ranking spirit there should be a limit for brazenness."

The woman retorted with an irritated tone, huffing through her nose. Hearing that Alya's expression sharpened.

"Oh, judging by your reaction you must be here without the main head's permission, am I right? Or maybe something else happened, something that your too embarrassed to talk about, perhaps?"

Alya guessed as she used her index finger to cutely play with her front bangs.


The silver haired woman clicked her tongue, her expression filled with annoyance...

"... I never want to go back to that place, I'm fine on my own."

Hmm... the woman mumbles something in a low voice it was a low mutter that would easily be missed, but with my hearing enchanted by magic I caught a glimpse of what she was saying. So, something really did happen after all.

"Umm, could you tell me what exactly happened to you and your home, is there a reason you don't want to go back?"

I asked, I didn't want to be seen as intrusive as this was a matter between family, but my curiosity was getting piqued by the relationship between the fox clan.

The woman furrowed her brow in displeasure as she heaved an exhausted sigh before opening up her mouth.

"The blessing of clairvoyance is a blessing passed down through generations through the main family in my clan. Throughout the many generations there has never been a single child born inside the main household who doesn't possess this gift, however I...."

Her voice sounded emotional as she spoke, but the last part of her speech was trailed off weakly and became inaudible. Like the sound of a mosquito cry.

"I see... now that you mention it, I've never seen a single child from the main family without that blessing."

Alya hummed in understanding, nodding her head up and down with a thoughtful expression.

"Could you explain what the blessing of clairvoyance does, I know blessings are really powerful abilities given to you by the world, but what exactly does clairvoyance do?"

I inquired cocking my head curiously. The silver haired woman narrowed her crimson eye silently before opening up her mouth.

"The blessing of clairvoyance is the ability to predict the future to a certain extent. It's the power the main household takes pride in and the one that made our race famous throughout the world."

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