Choosing a partner

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When the students heard the announcement of Hinata they all froze with wide eyes. Traveling through a forest in groups of two it honestly sounds like test of courage that you play on a school trip. I wonder what exactly the reason for that is.

"There will be a time when you all will have to face monsters someday, the creatures who were tormenting humans long ago at this Academy we trained students to face these monsters and see how you all deal with them. We also test how you all work together as a group and exterminate this being. So, once a year we held these events where we test each student as individuals and as a group."

She said fluently, while calmly observing the faces of those seated before her. No one said anything after that whether it was because of nervousness or eagerness it was difficult to tell. However, the male nobles all had smiles on their faces "This is my chance to impress Lady Sofia." or "I finally got an opportunity to show off my skills." could be heard it seems they are all firing themselves up after hearing the announcement, while on the other hand the females all look extremely nervous as some had stiff expressions on their faces, Scarlett seems to be doing fine, there wasn't any sign of anxious or uneasiness present on her face.

(Umm... Alya do you know why it's called the Forest of Dreams?)

I ask internally.

-If I remember correctly that name originated from an old story in the past.

She responds eagerly. An old story you say.

-Yes, there was once a monster with the ability to put humans to sleep with an antenna on its head, it was a savage monster that loved to drink the nutrient from the body of humans, those who were its victims were all dried up and died from the lack of blood. I remember it was the most troublesome monster that existed back then eventually that forest was off limit by the public and was named 'The forest of dreams'

She said recalling the past. That sounds like a monster you would find in a horror movie; cold sweats were running down my face thinking of meeting a monster like that no, I don't even want to imagine that.

(If there sending us inside that forest, I guess it means, that monster was probably subjugated already, right?)

-Maybe, I don't think they would send important noble children when there is danger so I'm guessing the issues has already been taken care of.

She said somewhat resolutely, your right they definitely won't endanger the lives of nobles doing so would probably be a political problem, not to mention some of these nobles are heirs to their household it would be a huge lost to the kingdom if something happened to them. But just to be safe can you keep a watch out and inform me if you sense anything strange?

-Leave it to me.

With Alya I'm sure things will be fine. My biggest problem now is going to be finding a partner. Even when I attend high school, I was bad at finding partners for group projects here it's going to be even worse dealing with spoil nobles. The nobles are all in high spirit to impress the female noble daughter. I don't have any special titles the only reason I'm being treated favourably is because they see me as Scarletts saviour.

"I'm looking forward to hear the result of your effort."

She said with a bow. The entire auditorium burst into cheers the students were praising her unanimously. It's like watching a celebrity being praise by their fans, I never thought I'd see something like this ever again like when I once watched a concert on tv.

-Are you missing your old world that much?

(Of course, there is no real entertainment here, all I do is study and train these days!)

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