Chapter 2

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Jisung being a leader was ... unexpected.

He killed his dad, who trained him his entire life for this, when he realized the bad treatments and bad actions he has been evolved in.

Jisung has grown up in a segregated farm, being trained day and night by random fighters, until he found his dad's gang by himself in the city. It made him slightly... unbalanced.

In fact, he's a little psychotic. Just a little.

Killing his own blood was a bit out of plan for him, mostly when it made him the new leader. All his dad's minions and associates named him leader, and he fired most of them right after.

He only kept fighters and spies, still wanting to make sure the organization would still work. And he promoted a few.

He promoted Jeongin, who was too cute to not stay by his side. He liked his vibe, and fanboyed over him. So, Jeongin went from being a tortured little fighter, to Jisung's bodyguard, more or less. And Jisung had a nice instinct.

Seungmin didn't change his status, Jisung only gave him more freedom. He didn't have to be locked in his office by force, he was now free to take pauses and live, as long as he helped Jisung with his weird fantasies.

Chan was one of his dad's associates. He was in constant conflict with him, because the older never agreed to all his dad's actions. Now, he's Jisung's protector, and he really saves his life.

Even if Jisung is a perfect fighter, he's slightly irresponsible, and driven by amusement, which makes most of his actions deadly for him. Fortunately, Chan is here to make sure is still alive.

The three boys, now free, could have left. They could have switch to other gangs, or go back to the normal life.

But in fact, they liked Jisung.

Since then, they selled the big ass mansion they used to live in, and Jisung bought a few things. A house, a 'normal' one, where the four boys lived. And an 'office', where associates were and spies trained. Jisung trusted Chan to take the lead of the 'formal' thing at the office, while he spent most of his time at the house, training in their basement.

They liked his weird demeanor, his fun idiocy, and liked his mindset.

Jisung might be a dumbass, as soon as he arrived, he changed a lot of things in Roses.

Roses went from a drugs and guns traffic gang, to a protective one.

Their organization doesn't sell drugs, kill nor steal. They do, but not to innocent citizens.

In the year Jisung has been there, they broke a few traffics, mostly by killing the people behind it.

Which... goes on contrary of some organization's profit. They created themselves a few ennemies. Even one who already were in alliances with them. 

And it steals the spotlights of others... Who has been there for longer than them.

In other terms, making Jisung face the 'Meeting of the Alliances' with other Leaders, will make Jisung have to elaborate on the actual reason he has been going against other leaders. Which is fucked up.

Every year, all the Leaders meet in a great mansion, under the comitee of the head of the ceremony, which is chosen randomly.

The meeting has a bunch of important rules, and it leads to negociations between Leaders.

Jisung being who he is, is really not fitting for that kind of thing.

That information freaked out the boys completely.

Chan knocked at Jisung's room, smiling at him as he entered.

"No, I will not lie about stuff tonight" Jisung repeated, annoyed.

"I get it" Chan smiled, sitting on the boy's bed "But I still think you should learn about the rules of the meeting"

"What if I don't ?" Jisung defied, frowning.

"Then you risked getting killed" Chan said.

Jisung shrugged.

"And getting us killed" Chan added.

He saw how Jisung softened a bit, before rolling his eyes and groaning.

"Okay, tell me then" Jisung responded

"Kill no one in the mansion" Chan said firmly

"I can do that" Jisung nodded

"Insult no one in the mansion" Chan continued.

"Are they like... defiant ? Are they going to make me mad ?" Jisung asked curiously.

"Definitely" Chan chuckled

"Damn... It's gonna be hard" Jisung whined

"Don't smile too much" Chan said firmly, knowing him "And don't stare too long at other leaders"

"For what ?" He frowned.

"It's called credibility, Jisung" Chan sighed.

"Alright, alright" He rolled his eyes

"Never agree on loosing territory" Chan insisted.

"Yeah, okay"

"And don't answer badly to the chef of the ceremony"

"Even if he's an ass ?" Jisung asked, pouty.

"Even if he's an ass." Chan nagged.

"Okay" He pouted.

"And don't threaten us again. We know you by heart, you would never put a gun in our mouth" Chan chuckled.

"It was cool tho, wasn't it ?" Jisung smiled widely.

"You're so childish" Chan chuckled, standing back up "Ready ?"

"Ready" Jisung smiled softly

"Let's go then, I'll call Jeongin" Chan said, picking his phone.

"Is Seungmin coming ?" Jisung asked curiously

"Nope, Seungmin is having our back there"


Jisung walked to the mirror, watching himself one last time before walking by the door.

"I'm a leader" He repeated to himself, smiling at the mirror.

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