Chapter 31

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Chan ran as fast as he could.

What was happening seemed to be a nightmare, and he had no idea how to take care of it.

His first intuition was to speak to Minho, but Jeongin had stolen the car for the day.

Breathlessly, he arrived at Minho's house, and he knocked loudly, hoping he didn't have more kilometers to run to his office.

"What ?" Minho asked annoyed, opening the door, seemingly right after a nap.

"Jisung" Chan breathed out, exhausted "He might be in danger"

"Huh ?" Minho frowned

After Minho let the boy enter and have a few cups of water, Chan explained it all.

"So these guys sent a letter to Han this morning... asking him to join them very quickly at some location... that I don't know, he didn't let me read the letter, he only explained... Shit, I should have forced to have it" He sighed "Those guys, I read the names written at the back of the letter... They're from Roses's ex allies. Jisuk's close allies... This is fucking bad news"

Minho frowned at that, fist tightening.

"And that bitchass went to the meeting location... alone" Chan said

"You're joking" Minho deadpanned.

"I fucking wish I was" Chan sighed loudly "I told him it was a bad idea, that it was dangerous, he said okay with his stupid smile and a few minutes later, I realize his window is wide open and he isn't anywhere to be found"

"This fucking idiot" Minho scoffed, shaking his head "Do you have any idea of who they are exactly ? And where could they have met him ? And most importantly, why ?"

"I just know Jisuk used to meet them a lot, and might have been surprised when Jisuk stopped answering them and Roses cut contact with them. They most likely are as rotten as Jisuk was" Chan sighed again "And no, no idea of any locations. Jisuk didn't share that kind of information with me... But if they expect Jisuk and realize Jisung killed him... it's gonna be bad for him".


30 minutes later, both Seungmin and Felix joined the boys, their laptops opened as they tried to follow Minho's and Chan's concerned instructions.

"Did you try calling him ?" Minho asked Chan

"His phone is out" Chan responded "Both of them"

"Shit" Minho frowned.

"Can you localize him ?" Minho asked Felix.

"Not from his devices, none of them" Felix admitted.

"What about the street's cams? He most likely can be seen in there..." Chan asked

"Let me hack them" Seungmin said, taking a few minutes to watch the recordings "I can see him leaving, but then absolutely nothing"

"Wait, is the recording of him leaving at the same hour as the other one ?" Felix asked, frowning.

"No..." Seungmin realized "It was deleted"

"By who ?" Minho asked, punching the table.

"An unknown device" Seungmin stated, searching informations "... Wait"

"What ?" Chan asked

"By Jisung" Seungmin said

"WHAT ?" Both Minho and Chan yelled

"Why would he do that ?" Felix asked

"So we can't follow him" Chan sighed loudly, sitting down to not faint.

"And make sure we're safe ..." Minho mumbled, getting Jisung's thought process.

"Lix, hack into Jisung's device" Minho asked

"It's cut off" Felix responded

"Doesn't matter, past database or whatever, we need to watch if he had any kind of connection with weird people" Minho instructed "Maybe they sent further information or something like that"

"Let me check" Felix said.

And a few minutes later, nothing.

"I can only find weird connections to weird sites, the kind that we don't really want to spectate, I guess so" Felix said

"And very disturbing messages that were sent to Minho" Seungmin added, disgusted.

Chan let his hand fall in his hands, concern filling him.

"Shit" Chan worriedly cursed.

Upon noticing his uncomfort, Minho watched him.

"Are you doubting your Leader ?" Minho asked, trying to rise up his mood.

"... He can be ... idiot" Chan responded, tiredly.

"Obviously" He shrugged "But he won't lose any fight" Minho said, confident.

"I hope..." Chan responded

"I'll take care of the rest" Minho said, firmly "Go back to your house, maybe you can make sure Jisung is coming home. Get some rest, you can't process if you're messed up"

Chan looked up at him, somehow moved.


Walking home tiredly, Chan seemed to be hallucinating, as he watched afar.

He squinted his eyes, the hallucination looking very much like Jisung walking closely.

Then he frowned.

It was indeed his very smart and intelligent leader. Walking mindlessly while everyone was panicked, searching for him.

He looked awful, clothes torn apart, blood scattering it.

His former wound face from Ryujin was back, more violent, more bloody.

He looked like he took a good beating. And apparently gave one as well.

He crossed his arms and tapped his foot, ready to give him the scolding of his life.

When Jisung noticed him, his eyes widened cutely.

He started jumping on place, waving and yelling for Chan to notice him from afar. Who was already staring at him.

He ran to him, seemingly not minding the hole in his pants with the bloody wound.

"Channie !" He said cutely as he arrived.

Chan grabbed him by the ear, frowning, making the other shriek.

"You. Are. In. Deep. Shit." Chan nagged, bringing him home.

"Hey! It's okay! I took care of it!" Jisung reassured

"What happened, damn it??" Chan asked

"It was a trap, you were right" He smiled "They were like... 10 guys ? With guns and knives"

"... Jisung" He deadpanned

"It's okayyyy" He smiled "Killed them all"

"And... What's with all the wounds ?" Chan asked, looking at him.

"Oh, got a few cuts" He said as he looked at his arm, unbothered "And took a bullet on the leg" He added, looking down.


"I took the bullet out and poured some alcohol in the bus, it's all good" He smiled cutely.

Chan sighed loudly.

"Take a shower, bandage that wound and go see Minho, okay ?" Chan said, pushing him to the stairs "We've been searching for you all day and he's still searching. Go apologize, I'll call him to tell him you arrived home"


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