Chapter 46

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"Fucking hell" Seungmin muttered to himself, letting his fist fall on the table.

"Nothing ?" Hyunjin asked, sitting next to him.

"Absolutely nothing" He sighed "They talk about stupid missions and stupid arrangments, but absolutely nothing about any explosion or any attack against Roses"

"Then it's probably not them" Hyunjin tried to reassure.

"It's so frustrating" Seungmin sighed louder "I just can't find anything"

"By the way" Chan joined in, sitting at the table too "I received back the analysis from the explosives. The gray powder does come from a special explosive one, I'll send the name to you"

"Oh, you found it ?" Minho heard, joining in.


"Can you send it to me too ? I'd like to investigate on my side too" Minho added "I'll check where it's actually sold and see if I can retrace it"

"Good idea" Chan nodded "Thanks"

"No problem"

"So again, we just have to wait for more long" Seungmin sighed.

"We're still trying our best" Chan smiled softly at him.

"And from what I've heard, the reconstruction is going pretty quickly" Minho added.

"And I'll make sure that no one has been putting there some weird stuff" Seungmin mumbled.

As the conversation followed, they all got suddenly startled as they heard a gunshot coming from upstairs.

They looked at each other, weirded out, before hearing someone yelling, as well as someone running down the stairs.

They wanted to panic and go see what happened, until Changbin arrived downstairs, face frowned, angered.

"Make this dumbass get away from here, for godness sake" Changbin groaned, out of his mind.

"What happened ?!" Chan asked, panicked.

"Jisung is a fucking dumbass" He responded, annoyed to the core

"Yes, but why ?" Minho asked.

They heard Jisung run down the stairs as well, before standing behind Changbin.

"We were playing fucking fortnite" Changbin explained, sighing. "I told that ass to shoot a man from afar"

"Well, be fucking precise when you talk" Jisung nagged.

Changbin turned to him, looking so mad Jisung could have been scared.

"It's a fighting game Jisung !" He yelled at him

"Don't tell me he-" Chan tried to say

"He fucking shoot the TV" Changbin yelled.

"JISUNG" Minho called.

"Oh-Uh" Jisung bit his lip, before grabbing his phone and hurrying to the door.

"Come here" Minho said, following him.

In a second, Jisung was out of the house.

He had ran away as fast as possible, bolting out of the house in a flash.

"This dumbass" Minho shook his head, turning back and watching how everyone was staring at him, amused.

"That's your boyfriend ?" Hyunjin asked in a mocking tone.

"He's lucky he's cute" Minho responded.

"Hope the sex compensates for all those messed up stuff" Changbin joined in the teasing.

Minho rolled his eyes.

"My room isn't far from theirs" Jeongin stated, putting on a disgusted expression "Pretty sure the sex compensates to anything"

"Well, from what I heard from Jisung's very unhinged comments, yeah, it does" Chan chuckled along.

"Why are y'all ganging up against me" Minho asked, annoyed.

"Because you're dating a dumbass" Seungmin responded.

"That's literally your leader" Minho deadpanned.

"Not by choice" Seungmin responded.

"Y'all love to say that but you could have left already if you didn't like Jisung" Minho defended.

"What's the reason y'all stay, again ?" Changbin asked "I feel like I would need a huge pay to accept working with that literal man child"

"He killed Jisuk" Jeongin shrugged.

"He was in the gang for a few weeks and that was enough for him to found out about all the mistreatments Jisuk put his employee under" Seungmin joined.

"He found out about Seungmin getting chained in a basement, and got super empathic for him" Chan said "Same goes for Jeongin"

"He learnt that I had been kidnapped and wanted to help me" Seungmin shrugged, trying to act unaffected.

"He didn't want me to get tortured anymore" Jeongin shrugged.

"And at meetings, he liked how I always argued with Jisuk, never agreeing with his ideas and actions. He defended me too" Chan added.

Minho couldn't help but notice how they seemed to be fascinated with the younger.

"Maybe it's a leader thingy to take care of his closest fighters" Changbin chuckled upon hearing all that.

"Right" Felix smiled "If Minho wasn't there, I would have been killed when that gang attacked the building I was in"

"Mmh" Changbin nodded "And Minho accepted to turn himself in for 3 days of actual torture by an ennemy only so I could get freed"

"Right" Hyunjin smiled "And Minho took a bullet for me" 

They all turned to the boy, smiling softly at him.

Minho rolled his eyes, embarassed.

"You're just like Jisung" Chan chuckled.

"Please, don't say that" Minho frowned "I wouldn't shoot a TV, please"

After an entire day of disappearance from Jisung, he came back later during the day, when it was already dark.

He tried to enter the house very discreetly, pulling a huge box behind him, but got completely discovered.

As he passed by the living room, he gulped upon seeing everyone in the living room, staring at him with expectant eyes.

He was ready to run away.

"Jisung, don't" Minho called, rolling his eyes and walking to him.

"Shit" Jisung mumbled to himself, pressing his eyes close as Minho approached.

He was going to get the scolding of his life.

But he reopened his eyes in confusion as he felt a pair of lips pressing against his forehead, and the others cooing at the sight.

"It's just a TV" Minho shrugged "It's material. But are you okay ?"

"Yeah, of course" Jisung smiled.

"You disappeared the whole day" Chan stated, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah I decided to go grab something" He said giddily, showing up the huge box.

He removed the paper, showing them the huge new TV he had brought. Perfectly new.

Some chuckles could hear in the living room, as well as some curious talks about the TV.

Jisung turned to Minho.

"Did you buy it or stole it ...?" He narrowed his eyes at him.

"Shh" Jisung smirked.

"Jisung..." Minho sighed, shaking his head.

"Fuck capitalism" He responded

"How do you fucking know what that is" Minho asked, completely baffled

"Jisung's full of surprises" Chan laughed loudly.

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