Chapter 77

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Opening the door, Hyunjin smiled.

"Hey, Ryu" He greeted, opening the door wider for her.

"Yo" She entered, welcoming herself "I have a problem"

"Allrrright I'll call Minho" Hyunjin said, starting to walk to the stairs

"Not needed, I need Felix" She said, smiling.

"Oh, okay" He shrugged, leading the girl to the living room.

"So, what do you need ?" Felix asked.

"Someone tried to break in yesterday" She winced "I need a bigger security system, also, I'd like for it to send a message to Minho if anything is noticed"

"Did you bring your security system with you ? The little box ?" Felix asked.

"Yep" She said, picking his bag and letting the little box on the table.

"I'd need a few minutes, just sit down a minute" Felix said, before tapping on his laptop.

"Is Minho home ?" She asked

"Upstairs most probably" He shrugged.

"I'll text him to come here to greet his sister" She rolled her eyes.

A few minutes later, Minho arrived in the living room. But not alone.

"What do you want ?" Minho deadpanned, sitting on the armchair.

"Hi Ryujin !" Jisung smiled widely "Long time no see !"

"I need some help with my security system" She shrugged

"For now on, you'll be notified if everything happens to Ryu" Felix stated.

"More work for me... Nice" He rolled his eyes.

"Shut up, I know you want me to stay alive" Ryujin nagged.

"And you're ungrateful" Minho scoffed.

Jisung chuckled loudly at that, he loved their dynamic.

She looked between the two, frowning, then raising an eyebrow.

"You two just fucked" She stated.

Felix cackled at that.

"What ?" Minho frowned

"Oh how did you guess ?!!" Jisung exclaimed, impressed.

She chuckled, shaking her head.

"Hair disheveled, hickeys apparent, Jisung's shirt is backwards and Minho's one is messed up" She pointed out.

"Right, we were supposed to work on something but he bent me down his desk and-" Jisung smiled.

"Whatever" Minho cut off, clearing his throat.

Minho looked at himself a bit embarassed as he tried to fix his shirt, while Jisung giggled to himself.

"It's not that hard to guess, if Jisung's home, then they probably fuck" Hyunjin stated as he arrived in the room, sitting on the couch and liking the banter.

"Oh" Minho said, a bit embarassed.

"So you two are dating ?" She asked, curious.

"No" Jisung deadpanned.

"Wait" She frowned, scoffing "For all this time you've been around each other and still aren't dating ?!"

"There were... turmoils" Minho said, clearing his throat.

"They flirted, then they started fucking, then they dated for a short time, then Minho betrayed him and they broke up, leaving Jisung heartbroken and trying to murder him, and now they're lost and fucking around, more or less" Hyunjin said, shrugging.

"That's a good recap" Jisung smiled cutely.

"What do you mean you betrayed him ?" Ryujin asked, angry.

Minho sighed.

"Well, guess what ?" Jisung said, chuckling dryly "Mr Lee Minho hated my guts but faked loving me to find an easy way to kill me because I'm obviously super hard to kill, but Chan found out and I dumped his ass" He smiled.

"He what ?" She asked, in disbelief.

"Well... I didn't really... hated you" Minho muttered, trying to defend himself.

"Depends if I believe you or not" Jisung shrugged

"Yes, but don't forget the part you tried to kill him and he accepted it to be forgiven" Hyunjin added.

"So you nag me and convince me that Jisung's a good guy when you were actually planning a fucking murder ?" She scolded, frowning and crossing her arms.

"... Yeah ?" Minho responded, embarassed.

"He's horrible, isn't he ?" Jisung joined in.

"He's an odious person" She responded.

"I'm trying to repent" Minho whined "It's been working, kinda"

"Well, I hate men" She started, smiling slyly "But if a man did that to me, I would have asked something back" Ryujin said, turning to Jisung

"Oh ? Interesting" He said, crossing his legs and leaning his head on his hand.

"Ryu..." Minho sighed.

"First of all, you shouldn't let him fuck you" She nagged "Make the boy run after you ! Make the boy get sexually frustrated" 

"But I'll get too" Jisung pouted

"Jisung can't live without dick" Hyunjin commented.

"Mine.." Minho corrected.

Jisung nodded eagerly at that.

"Damn... Well... Make the boy's money flow" She said, trying again

"I'm still very against capitalism" Jisung frowned

"And I still can't believe you don't know what expressions are but still know what a production system is" Minho said, amazed.

"OH I KNOW" She smirked "It's a cute thing, but this idea is just to humiliate him"

"... Can you not ?" Minho mumbled.

"Every year, my dad used to go to that ball in that super fancy luxurious ballroom from gang leaders or whatever" She giggled "He asked my mother to marry her in there"

"You want me to ask for his hand ??!" Minho frowned

"No" She scoffed "You should confess your love for Jisung there. And you" She added, pointing at Jisung "Reject him publicly"

"You're evil" Jisung gasped "I like that"

"Please don't put that kind of ideas-" Minho said

"Isn't it pretty dangerous ?" Hyunjin asked curiously

"Might destroy my credibility" Minho chuckled dryly.

"What will they do ?" She raised an eyebrow "They're all scared of Minho and Jisung is categorized as the scary psychopath. They won't try anything" She shrugged

"AND he's gonna be rejected, anyway" Jisung joined in.

Minho whined, letting his head fall backwards.

"... After that I'll be forgiven ?" He asked, turning to Jisung.

"Who knows ?" He smirked at him.

"Damn" Minho sighed

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