Chapter 58

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Waking up, Minho gasped, searching for air.

He choked on himself for a few seconds, before hitting his chest a few times, and finally finding a correct breathing.

He sighed, passing a finger under his eyes to wipe the remaining tears from his night.

He looked at the window, noticing it was pretty early. He might as well do something.

Entering the kitchen, Changbin and Felix were talking softly, as usual.

He greeted them, and appreciated their soft smiles directed to him.

It's been going for the better.

Even if it pained them, Changbin liked the fact that none of his stuff was randomly shot.

Minho decided to cook some breakfast quickly, before walking to the table.

He pushed a plate for Felix, looking at him until he eventually accepted it.

They ate in silence, Minho didn't feel like talking anyway.

And his breakfast eaten, he could go back to work.

Sitting in his office, he sighed.

He didn't like too much being in there. Nor in his room. Nor any another place that could remind him of Jisung.

And he didn't even had the guts to change the password of his laptop.

But, being a leader didn't change much for him. He still had stuff to take care of from the company, still research to do about weird behaviors his employees sent him, and more.

The motivation wasn't there, though.

There was not much left.

At some point, he decided to go eat something.

And he crossed Hyunjin's path, which never failed to make him slightly happier.

"Yo boss" Hyunjin smiled

"How are you ?" Minho asked

"Good" He nodded, closing his laptop "You ?"

"Mmh" He hummed.

"Are you going to the offices anytime soon ?" Hyunjin asked.

"I don't think so" Minho sighed "I've been a bit too gloomy, wouldn't like to show the others some kind of weakness"

"You never show weaknesses" Hyunjin raised an eyebrow "You know you'd have to leave the house at some point, right ?"

"Yeah, yeah" Minho rolled his eyes.

"Boss ?" Felix called, entering the room.

"Is there something wrong ?" Minho asked

"Well, new threats have been sent to the Alliance" Felix explained, showing them his laptop "They changed locations, maybe after the last encounter we had with them, I tried to retrace it but I couldn't"

"Mmh" Minho watched, thoughtful "Has the Alliance reacted at all ?" He asked

"Nothing, I think they're still waiting for Roses to act on it" Felix shrugged.

"Right" Hyunjin nodded "All their threats have been empty, anyway. They must be a bit reassured lately"

"I wonder what Jisung's preparing..." Minho mumbled.

"Do you think he's even preparing anything ?" Hyunjin raised an eyebrow "He doesn't really care about the Alliance, and being the psycho he is, he might be waiting for them to jump him so he could kill them all"

"He knows he can't kill them all" Minho sighed "They're rarely all in the same place at the same time, and they'll always have a gun pointed at him, or at someone he cares for. They're smart. If he kills one of them, he dies"

"So, you think he's having a plan ?" Hyunjin asked.

"I wonder" He shrugged "It's complicated. He'll might try to negotiate, but I sincerely doubt they'd accept" He turned to Felix "Could you find a way to know about this ? Don't spy them, I don't want Jisung to incriminate you. But maybe spy around"

"I'll check" Felix nodded

"Thanks Lixie" Minho smiled.

In a minute, Felix left, leaving the two once again in the kitchen.

"And you've been talking with Seungmin since when ?" Minho asked.

"Huh?" Hyunjin widened his eyes "How do you know ?!"

"I saw his name on your laptop" Minho smiled, thinking it was funny "There's a window right behind you, I saw the reflection"

"You stalker" Hyunjin muttered.

Minho stared, waiting for Hyunjin to respond his first questions.

"I'm sorry... I know I shouldn't... I'm kinda risking your life doing this... I just-"

"It doesn't matter, Hyun" Minho smiled "How's he doing ? Do you have news of Jisung ?" He asked.

Hyunjin looked at him, saddened from his curiosity.

"Seungmin is doing good" He smiled softly to him "And Jisung... went through some different kind of emotions, but apparently, he's slightly better and a much more crazier. I don't have details, though"

"Good" Minho smiled to himself.

Hyunjin frowned as they heard a knock at their door, both Minho and Hyunjin looking at each other confusedly.

"... Who could be knocking at this time ?" Hyunjin frowned, knowing it might be someone who knew the passcode of the entrance.

Minho shrugged, standing up with a sigh.

"Wait" Hyunjin said, grabbing his gun "I'll come with you" He added, pushing Minho behind him.

Opening the door, Minho would have never expected it.

He froze, completely.

"Hi" Jisung said, trying to be as neutral as he could.

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