Chapter 14

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When Felix ran to Minho's room to inform him of the news, Minho sighed loudly.

The gangs have called for a Meeting of the Alliance the next day. The disappearance of Terror taking proportions that are getting out of hands. 

So Minho had one thing to do.

Knocking at Jisung's house, Minho got greeted with a gun at his forehead.

"Oh, it's you" Jisung smiled, taking the gun away "Why didn't you call ?"

"Emergency" Minho stated briefly, grabbing Jisung by the collar and walking in quickly "Where's your office ?"


Arriving in the room, Minho placed a pile of papers on the table. He turned to look at Jisung with a glare.

"Today I'm teaching you stuff" He deadpanned

"No ?" Jisung frowned

"You don't have to agree, you will learn. Like it or not" Minho sighed "Tomorrow morning, we have-"

"A Meeting, I know" Jisung cut off

"Okay perfect, first lesson, never cut my words, or someone's words at the meeting. Nice, perfect, we're learning quickly" He said, rushingly, taking his papers and searching what to start with.

"Calm down, man" Jisung chuckled, taking a chair and sitting down.

"No" Minho glared at him "The tension has raised and I need you to not mess this up"

"I'm not that bad in improvisation" Jisung shrugged

"And I don't trust you one second" He responded, grabbing a paper and putting it in front of Jisung "You can read, at least ?"

"Yes I can" Jisung frowned, offended.

"Good, then read this out loud and I'll question you about it after" Minho sighed.

"But I don't wanna learn ..." Jisung whined loudly

"Didn't you have to learn stuff in your messed up life ? Damn it, do it" Minho scolded, pointing at the paper

"Kinda" Jisung responded

"How did you learn then ?" He asked, trying to find a way.

"By torture" Jisung shrugged

"Mmh" Minho thought for a minute, staring at the boy "I can do that"


Five minutes later, Jisung was standing up, sticking at the wall. Both arms and feet tied to the wall, knives holding the ropes so tightly Jisung couldn't even move one bit.

Jisung had his eyes widened.

And there comes his giddiness.

"How did you do that ?" Jisung asked, sincerely shocked.

"What, did you underestimate me ?" Minho asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Kinda, yeah" Jisung responded, not caring about how Minho scoffed at his answer "I didn't even have time to react and I was already tied up to that wall"

"Well, you're not as good as me, don't cry about it" Minho shrugged, picking the paper "I'll ask you questions. If you answer well, I'll pass to the next. If you answer wrongly..."

"What happens ?" Jisung asked with a wide smile

Minho searched in his pockets and his bag, picking up different kind of things.

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