Chapter 48

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Felix urgently called everyone in the living room, sounding worried.

"Um... We have a problem" Felix stated after everyone sat down "Remember Jisuk's friends ...?"

"Yes ?" Minho asked, narrowing his eyes.

"Aren't they dead ?" Jisung pouted

"You killed 10 men of a gang, Ji. Not all the allies he had" Chan responded

"They sent death threats to the Leader's Alliance upon Jisuk's disappearance, and asked for a discussion" Felix explained "They called for a Meeting"

"Damn" Changbin frowned

"That's scary" Hyunjin commented.

"What's the reason of the meeting ?" Chan asked.

"They want to discuss of consequences of that" He said, turning to Jisung "They might ask you to explain more about Jisuk"

"You won't, Jisung" Chan interrupted.

"What should I say then ?" Jisung asked

"Be vague" Minho responded "Never admit you killed him, nor that you're his kid"

"What are they gonna do then ?" Jisung rolled his eyes.

"Maybe ask you to take responsability" Minho responded.

"Yeah... I just hope it won't be too aggressive" Chan sighed.

"Oh aggressive ?" Jisung asked, smiling.

"It's not a good thing dumbass" Jeongin nagged

"They're scared of getting threats already, they'll act paranoid against you" Hyunjin added.

"Meh" Jisung shrugged.

Going to sleep that night, Minho has been continously nagging Jisung.

"Don't you dare act stupid"

"I won't !"

"Don't mess up and say stuff you shouldn't say"

"Yep !"

"Don't flirt publicly, don't forget our cooperation is still pretty unknown from others"

"Aw, really ?"


"I know I know"

"You'll fuck me if I behave well ?"

The morning of the meeting, it got heartbreaking for Jisung, who had to leave the house in a different car. He couldn't be around Minho for the time of the drive, and he got pouty.

He continued being pouty, because he hated the fact he had to face his lover but couldn't smother him kisses.

He couldn't cling to him, even as he sat right in front of him at the table.

Minho even ended up glaring at him, because Jisung was oggling a bit too much at him.

Jisung knew he'll be petty about it later.

"Han" The Head of the meeting called, and Jisung's gaze shifted to him "After those threats, we would like some explanations about Jisuk's disappearance"

"I have nothing to say about it"

"We are slowly going to take responsability of things you're the only one knowing" He insisted "We'd like to know, so we can avise"

"I'm afraid I won't"

A man raised his hand, standing up abruptly.

"You fucking madman, are you even realizing we're all at risk because of your ass ? Just fucking admit what happened" He yelled at Jisung.

Minho observed, legs crossed.

"I do realize, but doesn't mean y'all deserve to know" Jisung shrugged, responding cockily.

"I'll fucking kill you" He threatened, groaning "Take fucking responsability"

"Okay, let's calm down" The Head interrupted.

"What the hell ? No ! He's fucking going to have us all killed" He continued yelling.

Minho uncrossed his legs, somehow not feeling it.

"Well, Han, if you can't tell us anyhting, is there anything you can do about it ?" The Head asked.

"Take responsability" Minho interrupted, staring at Jisung.

Jisung got a bit confused, as he stared back.

"And what do you mean ?" Jisung asked.

"If that only concerns you, so does the threats. Take care of it, and silence their threats." Minho responded, calmly.

Jisung got it.

Minho wanted to calm down the situation at the table, and let their two groups take care of it without the entire Alliance having a look on it. That was smart.

"Okay" Jisung responded confidently "But if I do, I want something"

Minho narrowed his eyes. He hated when Jisung improvised.

"This will never be discussed again. If I take care of it, you leave me alone with it" Jisung said, smirking lightly.

Minho nodded, appreciating the move.

"Then it's decided" The Head of the Meeting said.

"Damn, that guy was seconds away to throw himself at me" Jisung scoffed sitting on the couch.

"Right, I really thought he'll start a fight at a moment" Hyunjin commented, chuckling "You did good, though"

"You changed, Ji" Chan shuffled his hair "Months ago, you would have shot him in the head"

"You have no idea how tightly I was holding my gun at that moment" Jisung giggled.

"Actually, you really did good" Minho commented, sitting next to him and snaking an arm around his waist naturally "When you started improvising, I got scared"

"How can you doubt me ?" Jisung frowned

"... I have many reasons actually" Minho responded

"So, the mission ?" Chan asked.

"I'll go to that discussion they asked for" Jisung shrugged.

"It's very obviously a trap" Jeongin stated

"Whatever" He shrugged "No one can trap me"

"They did the last time" Changbin snickered.

"And they died" 

"I'll go with you" Minho said.

"Huh?" Hyunjin frowned

"YAY" Jisung exclaimed.

"I'll make sure Jisung isn't killing himself in there" Minho chuckled "And if I can, I'd like to give some punches into those men"

"So... you're gonna get open about your and Roses cooperation ?" Chan asked

"We're in the same Alliance, it's okay" Minho reassured "If anything, I'll hide the evidence after we beat the shit out of them"

"Yeah... watch out, though" Seungmin warned.


"So... you're fucking me ? I behaved well"

"We're have an important mission tomorrow, Ji"

"Come oooon"

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