Chapter 38

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Jisung spent his Saturday afternoon like he loved it, training in his basement.

He had hoped to have some time with his members, but all of them were busy.

Chan was at their offices, taking care of the Leader's side Jisung dreaded.

Jeongin had his day off, and was most likely spending his day with some friends.

Seungmin had a call from Felix, who wanted his help to study something. So he took his laptop and left soon in the morning.

He didn't like too much being alone, reminding him a bit too much of the years of his life he spent alone. He liked having someone around, talk mindlessly.

He got the habit of talking to himself when he was alone.

Bored, he decided to train.

He had a punchingball in his basement, and decided to give it a little session as to find something to do that didn't imply other people.

He has been training for an hour now, punching it repeatdly.

Sweaty and exhausted, he sat on a chair for a moment.

He was thirsty as hell, but decided to still sit down for a moment, too lazy to do anything else.

He scrolled on his phone, trying to gather courage.

Until he decided to go, so he stood up.

As soon as he stood up, the entire house trembled.

So suddenly, a loud explosion happened upstairs.

The sound was loud enough to completely ruin Jisung's ears, a shockwave passing through the entire house, as well as the roof of the basement broke so slightly.

Debris fell from the roof, falling on him as he fell to the floor.

He was dizzy as he reopened his eyes, moving the debris out of him as he sat up slowly.

His ears were still slightly ringing, as he passed a hand on his hair, making sure he wasn't bleeding anywhere.

He stood up, still a bit light-headed as he looked around him.

The room was darkened, and light smoke was filling the space.

He walked to the stairs, noticing huge remainings blocking his way. He sighed.

"Damn, thank god I didn't get water earlier" He said to himself, trying to humor the situation.

Realizing the situation, he got a bit mad.

Thank god, no one was there.

He shuffled things around in the basement, grabbing a big bag and stuffing as much stuff he could.

He picked a few of Seungmin's stuff, as well as some weapons that weren't completely destroyed from the roof falling pieces by pieces.

He grabbed the bag at his shoulder, before walking to the stairs and trying to pull the debris blocking his way.

When he couldn't, he started kicking it, again and again, muscles hurting but it worked.

He ran up the stairs, noticing the state his house was.

The explosion seemed to have been located in the living room, as nothing was to be seen now.

Everything was burnt down, as well as some stuff reduced to dust.

He scoffed.

He could see in another room that flames could be seen, as well as light smoke. He needs to get fast.

"Time to get only the essentials" He sighed.

In a few minutes, he ran up the stairs, avoiding a few falls as the stairs slowly started falling down.

He got the hold of a few papers, other weapons that could be seen, as well as some clothes in the boy's bedroom.

He didn't dare to go to his own room. He knew there was nothing too important there.

Thankfully, most of their important stuff stayed at his office, but Jisung was still saddened that his loving house was slowly burning down.

The smoke started filling a bit too much the house, and he started walking closer to the ground.

"Shit" He said, interrupted by a fit of coughs.

He walked to the door, before cursing to himself at the sight.

Some part of the roof had fell right in front of it, blocking it.

He started trying to move it, but getting interrupted a bit too much by his own coughs to continue.

He started kicking at it, wanting it to break, to no avail.

Until something passed through his door. An axe, seemingly.

Like in The Shining, Jisung was saved as he saw Chan's atonished face, breaking down the door and handing him a hand to pull him out of there.

As Jisung stepped outside, he fell to the floor, the heavy bag falling with him.

Panicked, Chan crouched down, inspecting him.

"Fucking hell" He cursed "Are you alright ?"

He sat up, taking a huge breath of the pure air, getting interrupted by more coughing.

"I'm good" He stated, voice raspy.

He looked up, noticing his members all around him. He hadn't noticed.

"I asked Minho and Hyunjin to bring us there when I heard about an explosion"

"Are you okay ?!"

"What happened ?!"

They asked, their voice betraying their worries.

He looked at the van, noticing Minho in the backseats.

He tried to stand up, Chan immediately giving him a hand, as Jeongin carried the bag.

Slowly, they walked to the car.

"Let's get in an office and discuss there, okay ?" Jisung said as he sat in the backseats, leaning back and trying to find his breath, still coughing.

As soon as he entered, Minho hurried to place his hands on him. He checked his head, as well as his eyes traced his body entirely. He inspected him, making sure he was safe.

"Did something fall on you ?" He asked, still checking.

"Just a few things, nothing too bad" Jisung responded

"Any burnings ? Wounds ? Blood ?" He asked, concentrated.

"Don't think so" Jisung shrugged "Muscle pain, mostly, also-"

He got cut off by another fit of coughs.

"Inhaled smoke ?" Minho asked.

"A bit, it's okay" He sighed "Just need a warm shower and some fresh air"

"Hyunjin" Minho called, looking at him "Drive us home, then"

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