Chapter 49

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Jisung whistled to himself.

"I might have forgotten to wear a bulletproof jacket" Jisung giggled

"Are you fucking serious ? We're going back" Minho scoffed, ready to go back to the van

"Noo"  He held him back "It's okay, come on"

"We're not heading head first to a trap without you wearing a fucking jacket" Minho narrowed his eyes at him.

"My shirt's padded, it's not big protection but it's good enough" Jisung shrugged, pulling Minho more.

Minho rolled his eyes, following Jisung.

"The guys are monitoring anyway" Jisung shrugged "If something happens, they'll cover us"

Arriving at the location, it was already dark.

Jisuk's associates were already there, waiting patiently.

They all wore masks, and the mood was already off.

Fortunately, the location of the meeting was an abandonned house. At any moment, they could run away, back to the van.

"Thank you for agreeing on a discussion" One said "We have a few things to say"

"Well, you threatened us to come" Jisung responded.

"Take your masks off" A man said

"Do it too, then" Minho retorqued.

"Oh" Another interrupted, amused "I know that voice"

"Lee Minho, right ?" The one in the middle said.

Minho narrowed his eyes right away.

"So Lee Minho and Han Jisung ? What a funny pair" He continued.

Jisung's insticts were alerted.

"How do you know who I am ?" Jisung asked.

"We worked with your dad for a long time, Jisung" One said, chuckling "We know a lot more than you think"

"And you Minho, well, we missed helping Jisuk defend himself against you"

"You're a stubborn one, aren't you ?"

"We didn't come for that" Minho interrupted "Why did you threatened the Alliance ? What's the want behind all of this ?"

"Oh my dear, not much" The one in the middle said "Just having you here, obviously"

Jisung's and Minho's body tensed right away, as alerted as ever.

"We know Jisuk's dead."

At that, Jisung's hand hurried to grab at his gun.

"And our goal is easy"

Suddenly, as no one was expecting it, the man in the center clicked his fingers.

Jisung felt something was off.

He grabbed Minho's shirt tightly, and pushed him back quickly.

It took Minho a slight second, but he followed Jisung's instinct.

They had to run. Now.

No discussions, no way of escaping it goes for longer.

They had to go.

As they started turning, ready to leave the shit out of the place, a man appeared from nowhere on the side, pointing a gun right at Jisung's face.

Thankfully, Jisung was quicker.

He kicked the man's hands, making his gun fly away in a minute.

It happened the exact same on the other side, as Minho projected the man to the wall, hurrying to pick up his own gun.

More people started filling the place, and the two Leaders got slowly cornered.

So as Jisung was used to. If he was cornered, then he'd make a way for himself.

And so he did.

He shot a few right in their foreheads, running to the path he just made as Minho followed him.

And everything could have been perfect, but they were smart, and Jisung wasn't alone.

From afar, Jisung noticed from the corner of his eye how a man started pointing at Minho, especially his head, unprotected.

And as they ran in a one sided direction, Minho would have never had the time to avoid it.

He didn't even give it a second to think.

Jumping, he shielded the older.

Jumping, he let his body fall forward as the ennemy shot.

And Minho realized.

Falling back on his feet, he could feel his body struggling to stay up, the pain on his stomach hardly bearable.

'It's just a bullet' He thought, trying to convince himself.

"Shit" Jisung mumbled.

It wasn't just a bullet, he was still human, after all.


Minho panicked as he caught on the situation.

He grabbed him before he fell to the floor, hurrying to hide behind a wall under the unstoppable sounds of guns shooting.

"Fuck" Minho muttered, pressing his eyes closed for two seconds to think of a solution.

Until he was saved, hearing Hyunjin and Changbin's guns resonate.

Finally, they had joined them, covering them.

Minho took the occasion, holding Jisung tightly as he ran away, the van approaching more and more.

Everything felt like it was speeded up.

They helped them enter the car, tearing up Jisung's shirt to press against the wound.

Minho hurried to crouch beside him, putting the palm of his hand and pressing against his stomach.

"Fucking idiot" He muttered, lips quivering "It was a simple jacket to fucking wear"

"Sorry" Jisung mumbled, smiling through the pain.

Minho watched him, biting at his lip in worry.

"Don't look at me like that" Jisung joked, sounding weak "You're hotter when you're not worried"

"Dumbass" Minho muttered.

"No need to worry, I had worse in my life than a stupid bullet" He chuckled dryly, wincing at the pain.

"Stop laughing" Chan nagged, concerned "You'll make it worse"


As soon as Hyunjin and Changbin got back inside the van, the ambiance in the car felt agonizing.

Minho stared at Jisung, pressing on his stomach to stop the blood, the red filling the back of the van making his mind dizzy.

Jisung was slowly weakening, and he couldn't stop playing the scene over and over again.

He was supposed to take the bullet, and Jisung took it for him, knowing he didn't have any bulletproof jacket.

The guy could have pointed at Minho's head, and finish him right here and there, and Jisung jumped to take it.

Minho was in shock.

He would have never expected Jisung to do that for him. 

He would have never expected Jisung to be like that, to be so genuine.

That wasn't on his plan.

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