Chapter 23

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Minho got surprised when Jisung bolted inside his office, a stupid smile on his face as he waved at him.

He turned to Hyunjin, who was working beside him.

"You invited him ?" He asked, frowning.

"No, you did ?" Hyunjin asked back

"Nope ! I wanted things" Jisung said as he entered, taking a chair, turning it and sitting down. 

"What again ?" Minho sighed, closing his laptop.

"Let's go back to the convo about your background, alright ?" He smiled cutely, putting his elbows on the table.

"I told you enough" Minho rolled his eyes "Go away"

"I found some infos" Jisung smirked  "Hehe, Seungmin's a good hacker"

"What kind ?" Minho narrowed his eyes at him.

"About a certain Seungho" Jisung said, throwing the information while the room suddenly filled with silence.

Minho looked quiet, a bit too much.

Hyunjin looked mildly worried, turning to Minho to make sure everything was alright.

"Okay" Minho gulped, crossing his legs and leaning back on his chair.

"Want me to leave ?" Hyunjin whispered.

"No you can stay" Minho said, crossing his arms "Okay Jisung, get comfortable, I'll give you more"

"YAY" Jisung exclaimed "Who's that ?"

"Seungho was Stray Kids leader, back then. He was the one who created our gang, based on being controlling over other gang's activities, mostly the harmful ones. His main concern was protecting the ones who got hurt by other gangs, as his own wife has been a victim in the past" Minho explained.

"She got hurt ?" Jisung asked curiously.

"She got killed" Minho responded, face neutral.

Jisung tried to read his face, but was unable to.

"You liked him ?" Jisung asked, curious.

"We all liked him a lot. He was an amazing father figure, a protector and a life saver. He took us all into safe hands, guided us into this world, let us the choice to stay or not. He created the fighters and the minds we are today" Minho said, quickly glancing at Hyunjin, who tried to work with the conversation unfolding "Lee Seungho, I took his last name"

"Wow" Jisung blurted out.

"I liked him a lot. He was the father I've never had" Minho admitted.

And Hyunjin nodded, agreeing.

"So... you told me died" Jisung said.

"No" He frowned "He got killed"

"Who killed him ?" He asked curiously.

"Well... you know, we had a very important target. The one who killed his wife, and wanted nothing more than to destroy everything. He... had set a trap for him, and that trap ended up being ours." Minho said, remorseful.

"W-What ?" Jisung frowned

"With a few men, him and I, we were there. We were preparing for his arrival to put chains on him... Finally put him out of life... But he doubled us. The men with us were corrupted by him, and by this betrayal, he gave us the choice. Only one of us two would be freed. He insisted on me getting safe, as he had already done enough work .... as he had already lived enough. So I was chained, while I watched him getting brutally murdered right in front of me, bloodily." He said, almost wincing at the memory.

"And left you there ..." Hyunjin mumbled

"Who ?" Jisung asked.

There was a silence for a moment, until Minho decided to admit to him.

"Your dad, Han"


"Not only he killed him violently, but Jisuk bragged about it. He kept his beheaded ... corpse... for some time like some trophy" He scoffed.

"How... How does Chan never told me that ?" Jisung asked

"It was a long time ago" Minho shrugged "I don't think Jisuk's team was the same. I started seeing Chan some time after I became a leader, when Seungho was already a memory" He explained "And from what I've seen from my investigations, none of your boys were in his close team, they mostly were still chained in some basement after being kidnapped"

"That's messed up" Jisung stated "How was it for you ?"

Hyunjin glanced at Minho, seeing how his Leader was actually conversing normally about it.

"I've never be one to be driven by hatred... until this day" Minho shrugged "My only drive had been to kill this man, and I failed an enormous number of time" 

"... What drives you now then?" Jisung asked, frowning.

"I still don't know, I'm not sure" He said, not quite looking at his eyes "But I have the ambition to continue Seungho's project, for sure"

"That's why you're the 'police of gangs', right ?" Jisung asked.

"I'm trying" Minho said, sighing "Is your little interview now over ?" 

"Yeah, good enough" Jisung shrugged.

"Jisung ... be sensitive, will you ?" Hyunjin nagged.

"Oh, right" Jisung widened his eyes, bowing abruptly "Sorry for your loss, for you two"

Jisung was ready to leave, but Minho called him again.

"Jisung" He looked at him, gaze piercing "Have you ever lost someone ?"

"My dad." He stated, as if obvious, and thought for a moment "My mom... whoever she was ... And a few men, I guess"

"No" He shook his head "Someone you actually cherished" 

"Am I even able to cherish anyone ?" Jisung asked, tilting his head to the side slightly.

Hyunjin got a bit taken aback. Jisung's messed up mind weirded him out, sometimes.

"You cherish your team, don't you ?" Minho asked.

"Oh, right" Jisung nodded "Why ?"

"That's a lesson for you, a social and a mafia rule one" Minho said, standing up "Imagine having your dear Jeongin brutally murdered right in front of your eyes"

"That wouldn't happen" Jisung hurried to say, eyes darkening.

"It doesn't matter, just imagine" He said, walking closer to Jisung "The social lesson for today : be sensitive when you ask for such subject. Imagine mourning someone, and having to answer questions about that"

"... I guess" Jisung responded, not entirely convinced.

"Good" He nodded.

"What about the mafia rule ?" He asked curiously.

"Betray me, and I promise to you that this would happen, easily, and you woudln't even be able to do something about it" He threatened, his feline eyes piercing his soul.

Jisung smirked at that.


After that, he left, letting the two boys go back to the work they were doing.

Minho was a bit annoyed, but went back to his seat.

"Why would you open up so much about this to him ? Can I remind you how uncertain Jisung is ?" Hyunjin said "I mean... I know you trust him somehow, but isn't he too much ... clumsy ?"

"Don't worry, I'm taking care of it"

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