Chapter 5 ♥️

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(Catnap's POV)

"W- Woah... Oh man, my head feels really weird..." I heard Dogday mutter to himself as he stumbled around the attic, I laughed as I stood up and helped Dogday steady himself.

He whined a bit as he clung onto me, and I giggled a bit, and surprisingly, Dogday seemed offended by this.

"S- Stop laughing...! I'm scared..." Dogday whined as I cleared my throat, almost immediately stopping as I looked out of the attic window and had an idea.

I brought Dogday over to the window as I laid him down gently, but he unfortunately tried fighting it, wanting to get up.

"Noooo... I don't wanna just lay around, I wanna... I wanna do stuff..." Dogday pouted as I sighed a bit.

"Dogday, you're drunk, you're gonna end up falling somewhere and hurting yourself." I explained as I put my hand to my head in disbelief.

I thought I heard some muffled screaming coming from downstairs as I pointed my ears up, and I was right, there was indeed screaming coming from downstairs.

It sounded like Neko, and it be honest, it was getting louder and clearer very fast... Like he was approaching us...

"CATNAP! I SAW HIM!! I SAW THE MAN AGAIN!!! I TOLD YOU HE WAS REAL!!!" I heard Neko yell from under the attic.

I slowly opened the door as Neko came crawling in, rolling up with me and Dogday as he shut the door immediately.

His eyes were red and dusty, and he was panicking a lot, he was panicking too much actually...

"Neko, are you actually high right now...?!" I asked as Neko looked around the room, tears forming in his eyes.

"I'm telling you, Catnap, he was there!! He was staring at me in the corner of the room!! I'm so scared..." Neko whined as he curled up into a ball, with me gently patting his back.

"Hey, hey, it's alright, Neko, nobody is in here with us, you're safe..." I muttered as Neko continued to silently cry to himself.

It seemed the poor guy's schizophrenia was getting even worse, especially when he was high, he must have been so scared down there all alone...

Just when I thought it couldn't get any worse, Dogday looked over to me and groaned, making me look at him.

"Catnap, why is my belly starting to hurt...? I- I'm not gonna throw up, am I...?" Dogday slurred his words, and I sighed, but then nodded.

"Yeah, Dogday, you're gonna have to throw up, it's natural when drinking..." I explained as Dogday also started to look worried.

"W- What...?! No...! I- I don't wanna!" Dogday protested as he quickly tried to stand up, but he fell to his knees and tried to steady himself with his hands.

He ended up crawling to me, to which I handed him a bucket as he groaned again, holding his stomach as he laid there silently.

I now had 2 people on me, having to treat them like children, as one of them was high as fuck, and the other was drunker than a sailor.

"H- Hey, Neko..." Dogday mumbled as Neko looked over to him, looking worried.

"W- What were you talkin' about a man watching you in the corner of the basement...?" Dogday asked as Neko started to panic again.

"He's just suffering from a schizophrenic episode, he's scared and confused, so I gotta treat him like a baby." I said as Dogday laughed to himself, holding his belly.

"That goes for you too, Dogday." I snapped softly as Dogday immediately went back to being silent, laying his head on one of my legs, Neko laying his on the other one.

I pulled up a bunch of blankets as I covered Dogday and Neko, then myself, I obviously gave Dogday a blanket that I didn't need, since he was probably about to throw up soon anyways.

Neko seemed to calm down, yet his eyes darted from multiple sides of the room, still fearing the figure that he claimed to be following him.

He never really described it to me, all he said was that it was red, and its jaw looked broken, which would obviously be unnerving...

Hell, I'd be pretty scared if I saw that in the corner of my basement... No wonder Neko's so scared...

I patted Neko on the back as he calmed down and smiled at me softly, to which I smiled back.

I then gave Dogday a few head pats and belly rubs to make sure he was okay, and as I did so, he whined a bit as he closed his eyes and slowly drifted off to sleep.

Neko did the same thing soon after, and I checked my phone one last time to see that today was Friday, we started school on a Friday... Wow.

I guess I have 2 days to myself with these guys... Buncha' babies, I tell you...

(823 Words)

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