Chapter 6❗️💧

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(Catnap's POV)

As both Dogday and Neko fell to sleep, I sighed as I breathed out some of the red smoke I had as part of my traits, making sure that these 2 stayed asleep.

I then slowly and gently got them off of me as I got up and walked out of my attic, closing the door as I went downstairs to my living room.

I quickly grabbed my car keys and ran to my car, starting it and driving off, just going to the store to get a few painkillers for Dogday, and maybe some schizophrenia pills for Neko, though I doubt he'd take them.

All I'm really hoping for is that I can get home in time before both of those two wake up, because seeing that I'm gone, with Neko being high, and Dogday being drunk, things would get really out of hand...

Maybe I should just turn around while I still can...

Oh god, I'm overthinking again... I should just go the store and quickly buy that stuff for them both, no need to overwork myself...

A few minutes later

"Alright, is that all for you? Just some medicine?" The cashier asked me, they were a feline just like me, and I nodded my head yes.

They noticed I was in a bit of a rush, so they quickly packed everything up and nodded at me, letting me know that they knew how I felt.

I grabbed the bag from them as I waved goodbye, running out of the store and back to my car, although the cashier and I did end up accidentally grazing each other's hands.

The reason why THAT'S a problem is because Neko is super over affectionate, he hates whenever another cat touches me, or interacts with me.

I didn't think much of it as I was still in a rush, and I quickly drove back into the intersection, thankfully there was barely any traffic, and street lights seemed to be on my side today.

I got home in a short amount of time as I parked my car in the garage and threw my car keys onto the key hanger when I ran into my living room.

I made my way upstairs as I pulled down the attic door and poked my head up, seeing Neko and Dogday still asleep, sighing in major relief as I collapsed onto the attic floor, pulling the door closed with all the energy I had left.

And if it couldn't had gotten any better, Neko and Dogday woke up as soon as I laid down, Dogday groaning as he clutched the bucket in his arms.

Neko looked around quickly, seeing me laying down and crawled over to me, looking really happy and relieved.

"Man, I thought you left us for a second there, Catnap...! Had me all worried..." Neko said softly, his eyes still red and puffy.

I chuckled as I held out some painkillers, giving them to Neko as I pointed to Dogday before speaking.

"Give those to Dogday... He needs em'." I told Neko as he nodded and placed the painkillers next to Dogday, Dogday groaning as he picked them up and took 2 pills.

Neko then froze for a second and slowly looks at me, but he looked worried, and confused, but it was like... An ANGRY type of confused.

"Wait... You DID leave us!" Neko stated as I mentally prepared myself, sighing a bit as Neko crawled over to me again.

Although he immediately grabbed my hand and took one small sniff of it, looking at me like I just killed one of his family members.

"Is that... Another cat I smell...?" Neko asked me as I immediately got nervous, and I slowly looked at Neko before shaking my head.

Neko didn't even say anything, I expected to get slammed into the ground or something, but he just got up and opened the attic door, leaving the room as he jumped down.

I got worried and got up, following Neko as I saw him leave through the front door, and I tensed up instantly.

I ran downstairs, then out the front door as I looked around everywhere, only to look up and see Neko somehow on top of my house.

"Neko! Hey, just wait there! I'll be up there in a second!" I shouted as I climbed my way up my house, running towards Neko as I slid over to him and held his shoulders.

"You've gone over the border, Catnap." Neko stated as he looked off into the distance, yet I held him close in order to make him not try jumping off.

"Neko, listen, it was just a cashier, our hands accidentally collided! I swear!" I explained as Neko shoved my hand off of his shoulder.

"Is one cat not enough for you?" Neko asked as he turned to me, clenching his fists.

"N- Neko, I-" I tried explaining again, but Neko just walked up to me, brushing his shoulder against mine as he jumped off the smaller edge of the roof.

He landed on his feet as he walked off into the distance, not looking back, and I wanted to stop him, but something told me not to...

He walked farther away as I saw a glimpse of him turn around towards me and fall backwards, looking up at the sky.

I didn't know what to say at this point, normally Neko would just hit me lightly as a warning or something, but now he just ran out to a field and laid down...

I might have went overboard this time...

(936 Words)

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