Chapter 37🌶️

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(Dogday's POV)

I woke up next to Neko and Catnap, Neko was snuggling close to me as he purred, Catnap hugged Neko from behind as his tail was wrapped around both of our legs.

Suddenly, my alarm went off from my phone, Neko jolted up as Catnap forced him back down with his arm, rubbing his back as I quickly turned the alarm off.

I... For some reason felt strange... I was hot... I swear I saw the heat around me turning to steam, and I felt really... Horny for some reason...

Am I in heat...?

No... Only cats can do that, that's what everybody has been telling me, I must just be sick...

"Ugh... Catnap... I feel sick..." I whined as I curled into my blankets, Catnap hummed to himself as he got up and put his hand on my forehead.

"Woah, your head's pretty hot, Dogday!" Catnap said, Neko took off a single one of his gloves and put his hand on my forehead.

I yelped out as I felt something cut my head slightly, I looked up and noticed that Neko's fingers were sharper than razors, Neko put his glove back on as he looked down at me.

"Is he gonna need to stay home...? If so, I'll look after him! I don't want my friend being sick and being left alone all day!" Neko stated, Catnap put a hand to his chin as he thought for a moment.

"Ugh... I guess he'll have to, and Neko, you've been mostly good this week... So you get to stay home too..." Catnap muttered as Neko quickly got excited.

"Really?! Yay!!! Thank you Catnap!!!" Neko exclaimed happily as he jumped out of bed and cuddled around Catnap, snuggling his face into Catnap's neck.

Catnap chuckled and gently pushed Neko off of him, quickly walking into the bathroom as we heard water start running from inside.

Neko looked at me as he walked up to me and put a hand on my head, humming to himself as he thought, his tail swayed left and right as he inspected me.

"Hmmm... I'm no doctor... But normally in situations like this, my tail always has the solution for me! I'll just let my tail guide me through this one." Neko stated as he put his hands behind his back.

Neko's tail suddenly swooped in front of Neko, dragging itself across my body as it tried to figure out what was wrong with me.

But Neko's tail stopped at my crotch, Neko and I looked confused as we looked at each other, Neko shook his tail a bit and moved it, but his tail moved back to my crotch, tapping itself on me twice.

"...Dogday, are you in heat?" Neko asked me as I shrugged in response.

"I dunno...! I don't think dogs can even do that!" I said as Neko's tail wrapped itself in a circle around the size of my member, moving itself up and down slowly.

"Okay, tail... We get it..." Neko mumbled as his tail slowly slid back behind him as he looked at me again.

"It seems you're just in heat, but I don't know any kinks of yours..." Neko mumbled as Catnap quickly came out of the shower.

"Alright, took a quick bath, ready to head out, take good care of Dogday, okay Neko?" Catnap said as Neko nodded, Catnap walked downstairs and we both heard him head out of the front door.

"Alright, tell me all your secrets, I wanna know...~" Neko said playfully, he laid down next to me as I put my hands on my chest and laid them there for a second.

"Well... Let's see..." I began...

A few minutes later

"Oooh, so you like when people play dress up? Cool!!" Neko asked, I nodded a bit as Neko slid up to my height and rested his hand on his thigh.

"I swear I'm the only cat that likes this, but I'm more into tail pulling, y'know?" Neko said as I pondered for a bit.

Tail pulling...? That sounds odd, but sort of fun...

"Well, I'll help you out with your little problem... But I gotta set the mood!" Neko said as he got up and jogged to the middle of my bedroom.

"Alright, let's see what I can cook up..." Neko mumbled to himself as he spun around very very fast, he almost became a blur as I started to get nervous.

Neko suddenly stopped as he was now wearing a more... Femboy-ish outfit... His jacket was gone and turned into a navy blue short shirt, I didn't know if he had a skirt on or not... It looked close enough, and his crimson pants turned into red thigh highs...

"Haha! I know I look ridiculous, it's okay to laugh..." Neko muttered as he walked over to me, placing a hand on my chest as he rubbed my chest slowly.

"So... What else ya' into?~" Neko asked playfully once again, I quickly shifted my eyes to a collar on the small desk next to me, Catnap had left it there last night...

I picked it up and put it on Neko's neck, he let out a small "Oh?" before I attached his leash to the collar, tugging it and forcing him on top of me.

"This, this is what I'm into." I said, knowing what I wanted now as Neko laid on all fours on top of me, blushing intensely.

"U- Uh... Alright...! Let's get this started then!" Neko exclaimed nervously, I smirked a bit unintentionally as I started to move the blanket off of me...

(937 Words)

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