Chapter 71💧☁️

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(WARNING: this chapter covers some DARK stuff...)

(Catnap's POV)

"Neko!! Where are you?!" I shouted as the rest of the critters looked everywhere around the house, to no avail.

"I can't find Neko anywhere!" Dogday exclaimed, looking extremely scared.

"D- Don't worry, Dogday, I'm sure he's just hiding!" Crafty stated, patting Dogday on the back gently to calm him down.

"Did he wander off outside...?! He'll never survive out there!" Dogday asked frantically, hyperventilating as had to make Dogday sit down.

Suddenly, a knock came from the front door, before anyone could do anything else, the door had opened to reveal Neko standing in the doorway.

"Hi everyone!" Neko greeted us with a wave as he giggled and closed the door, strutting up to me and hugging me as everybody stayed silent.

"...Neko... Where have you been?!" I asked as I pulled Neko away from me, he seemed confused and sort of scared.

Everybody got into a huge fuss about Neko's sudden return, arguing with each other about who, or even WHAT let Neko out.

Everybody except for... Kicken...

Everyone noticed that Kicken wasn't talking during the entire hassle, so they all shut up and turned to him.

"Kicken, did YOU let Neko outside...?" Bubba asked, Kicken put a hand on his arm as he looked away awkwardly.

"GOD DAMN IT, KICKEN!!" Dogday shouted as everybody started ganging up on Kicken, scolding and interrogating him.

"Neko, did Kicken let you outside?" I asked Neko as he nodded gently, looking a bit sad.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I asked quietly as I turned away from everyone, letting Neko speak with me alone.

"I... I didn't know I couldn't go outside... I'm sorry..." Neko whimpered, I swore I saw small tears in his eyes when he looked at me.

"N- No! Neko, you're allowed to go outside at any time, you just have to check in with me and Dogday, okay?" I assured Neko, he nodded, but his tail wrapped around his waist.

That was always a sign that Neko was either uncomfortable, or extremely upset, and I didn't want to see Neko sad...

"Hey, Neko, if you want, you can go outside right now...! If there's anything you want to do still..." I muttered, Neko looked up at me as he smiled.

"Really?? Okay! Thanks, Catnap!" Neko exclaimed as he turned around and ran out of the front door.

Everybody eventually noticed that Neko was gone again, all I had to do was just explain that I let him out for a little bit just to calm him down.

"What the fuck...?! I just got yelled at for doing the same thing!" Kicken complained, Hoppy hit him on the arm to shut him up.

"Look, point is, Neko's fine, we can all relax now." I stated as everybody finally settled down, some staying in the living room, some going in their rooms.

Dogday stayed with everyone in the living room, Hoppy picked up the remote before pausing and turning to everybody else.

"Does anyone know what to watch...?" She asked as everybody shrugged, or just didn't respond.

"What about you, Catnap?" She asked as she turned to me, I thought for a moment before going out on a whim.

"Have any of you heard of Jujutsu Kaisen?" I asked as Hoppy shrugged and switched to the Jujutsu Kaisen.

"Fuck it, we're all bored anyways." She muttered as she placed the remote next to her, I expected some of the critters to get up and leave, but they all ended up staying...!

That's surprising...

Well, I don't have anything to do, but I've gotta be productive today...

Maybe I could go clean up my room! Dogday's been having some trouble sleeping anyways...

I made my way up the stairs and walked into my room, nothing really looked out of the ordinary besides our closet being slightly open.

I shrugged and grabbed a couple pillows, fluffing them up and patting them down to make them as soft as possible, humming to myself as I did so.

I checked under the bed to see if anything was on the floor, can't have a messy room, right?

Although, there was nothing there except a piece of paper, it had writing on it that I couldn't read, so I grabbed it and dusted it off.

It was something written in poor handwriting, it looked like a to-do list... From Neko...?

"To dO liSt For caTnap." Is all the title read...

Aw... Neko was making a list of stuff he wanted to do with me! That's so adorable... But it's old, Dogday's name isn't on here...

Let me just read these tasks out...

• t̶a̶l̶K̶ a̶b̶O̶U̶t̶ f̶e̶e̶L̶i̶N̶g̶S̶

• g̶O̶ t̶o̶ t̶h̶e̶ P̶a̶r̶K̶

• r̶e̶V̶e̶a̶L̶ P̶o̶W̶e̶r̶S̶

All of that stuff is crossed off... But there's something on the back of the paper, let's see what it says...

"ThIngs caTnaP CANNOT KnoW." Is what the second title read... Oooh, is Neko hiding some secrets from me?

Let's find out...!

"tasK 1"...

• Kill MYSelF.

- DUe daTe: JUne 4nd.

that's tomorrow...

(838 Words)

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