Chapter 51🎃

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(Kicken's POV)

I woke up in the middle of the night on Dogday's couch, the blanket that Neko put on both of us was laying on me, but Neko was nowhere to be found...

"Neko? Where the hell'd you go?" I whispered as I sat up, I didn't particularly care that Neko was no longer sleeping with me, but the fact that he was straight up gone set me off.

He was so determined to sleep with me a couple hours ago, there's no way he would just disappear like that so randomly...

I sat up and hopped off of the couch as I quietly looked around the living room, not seeing Neko anywhere, I looked out of a window and saw a glimpse of something entering the trees to a nearby forest.

It was a tail, a white tail that belonged to Neko...

Did he get outside without anyone noticing? He could get hurt...!

I don't want to be the soft hearted guy in a time like this... But... I can't just leave Neko out there, he could get kidnapped or something!

I calmed myself down and quietly made my way over to the front door, opening it and walking out of Dogday's house slowly.

I closed the door quietly as I looked over to the forest, I could have sworn I heard Neko talking...

I made my way over to the sounds in the trees, blocking branches with my arms as I walked towards the sound of voices.

I eventually saw a glimpse of Neko with his back turned to me, there was an... Insanely tall figure in front of him, they were both talking, although Neko sounded dissatisfied with the entity.

"Listen, I don't care what you think is right or wrong, I'm not hurting my friends just because you told me to." Neko protested as he placed both of his hands on his hips.

"You protest my wishes, yet you commit these acts anyway, what is the purpose of that?" The entity spoke, its voice was robotic and static like.

"My friend Kicken made a deal with me, whoever won the fight got their wish!" Neko explained as he threw his arms into the air.

"You still fought him, why not kill him off?" The entity asked, I was frozen in fear, was Neko making a deal with... Whatever the hell this thing was?

"Because he's my friend's friend, as long as he's with Dogday, he's with me." Neko stated, the entity burrowed their face into their hood, looking very dissatisfied with Neko.

"Neko Maxwell, if you don't follow my guidelines, I will unfortunately have to get rid of you." The entity said as Neko stood still for a second.

He slowly turned in my direction as he looked at me with bloodshot eyes, I couldn't move, how the hell did he even know I was here...?!

"Kicken, if you're still in those trees, I suggest you go back to Dogday's house, and forget any of this ever happened." Neko said, looking right at me.

He then looked back at the entity and ripped his jacket off, taking off his shirt as he clenched his fists, ready to fight the entity.

Neko... There's no way you'll be able to defeat that thing, I... I need to find some way to get Neko out of this situation.

"You are foolish, Neko Maxwell, to try and defeat a being such as myself." The entity said in a low voice, raising their arm and swinging at Neko.

No... Dodge it Neko! Do something!


"Kuso baka yarō." Neko mumbled as his voice echoed throughout the entire forest, it rung in my ears as the entity's hand stopped when it hit Neko.

Neko dodged in such a manner, it... Terrified me... He left multiple flashes of himself trailing behind him, almost like he was leaving afterimages...

He swiftly ended up behind the entity as it jolted up and slowly turned behind itself to see Neko reaching his arms out.

"W- WHAT...?!" The entity screamed as Neko grabbed the entity's head and yanked upwards, ripping its head off in half of a second.

Its head sparked and wires tore out of the entity's body, the entity's body collapsed as Neko dropped the thing's head in the air.

He coiled his legs up and smashed down on its head, destroying its head entirely as the small bits of electricity faded away slowly.

The forest was now dark, and Neko was nowhere to be found...

Although... What... What is breathing behind me...?

"Neko...? I- Is that you...?" I asked quietly as I witnessed two hands reach from behind me slowly.

The last thing I saw was both of the hands grabbing me and dragging me back towards the house as I screamed as loud as I could.

But nobody came...

And everything went black...

(813 Words)

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