Chapter 24 ☁️

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(Catnap's POV)

3rd Block had just finished, it was time for the final class of the day before free time, psychology.

Me, Dogday and Neko made our way to the class as we all sat down in the back, A group of what seemed to be Dogday's friends sat across from us.

"Yo, Dogday...! You have psychology too...?!" A blue elephant asked in a whisper towards Dogdau, Dogday nodded and gave a thumbs up as everyone else continued to peer at me and Neko.

Things like "Isn't that the insane guy?" And "Hey, it's the baseball player...!" Were the type of things I heard from multiple groups of people.

The teacher was sitting at his desk, there was a small note on it that simply read the following:

"Free day today, I'm sick and don't want to teach."

"Do whatever you want, this is the last block of the day, have some fun!"

People constantly came up to Dogday me, asking about random things like if we worked out, what we did in sports; surprisingly enough, people actually came up to Neko and started talking to him.

I guess his charisma was charming, because a lot of people ended up coming over to him, he talked about stuff he did, why people feared him, and a bunch of other things.

Eventually, the bell rung, and it was free time, we could either go home right now, or go relax outside and do stuff.

Neko wanted to go home immediately, so did Dogday as he reminded me that we had a job to do later today.

"Catnap, don't forget, today's the first day on the job!" Dogday mentioned, I paused as I shrugged and nodded, following Neko and Dogday outside.

We walked through an open field as an easy shortcut to our cars, a bunch of people swooned over us, it seemed that we were gaining a quick following.

Eventually, everybody seemed to understand that we were leaving, and they all stopped crowding us, letting us get by as Dogday walked to his car and I walked to mine.

"Hey, Catnap! Follow my car, I'll show you the way to the bar!" Dogday shouted, I gave a thumbs up and got into the drivers seat of my car.

I waited for Neko to get in, but he never did, instead he walked away towards where we would normally leave, seemingly walking home.

"I'm gonna walk home, Catnap. You need to make a good first impression." Neko stated as I nodded and put my car in reverse.

I drove off with Dogday as I saw a glimpse of Neko take his hands out of his pockets and dash out of sight immediately.

Neko was extremely fast, like, he could circle the Earth in 12 seconds if he wanted to, I swear...

Anyways, I followed Dogday's car through the city, making twists and turns as we eventually stopped in front of this really nice looking building.

We stepped out of our cars as we slowly entered through the front door, I saw a man leaning against a table, holding a cigarette as he looked at us.

"Heeeey! Gentlemen, you're here! Good to see you back, Dogday!" The man said, shaking Dogday's hand.

"And you must be Catnap! Nice to meet you!" The man greeted me as we shook each other's hand.

"Alright, I'll have to quickly explain to you two the base of what's going on this time around, pay attention, Dogday, there's a few new things to note down." The man stated as he led me and Dogday to a back room.

A few minutes later

"And that's basically all you have to do." The man finished, putting his hands together as he leaned against the wall.

"Just walk around, serve people drinks, and be there if someone needs assistance." The man said as he stood up and cracked his fingers.

"Oh, one more thing..." He continued on.

"There's a certain customer that's a regular here, I've never heard his name, but he wears a navy blue jacket, a grey beanie, crimson sweat pants, and black gloves." The man listed.



"Uh... Sir, this customer wouldn't happen to be a feline and human combined would it...?" Dogday asked, raising his hand as his ears flopped down.

"Yes he is! Good guess, how did you know?" Our boss asked as me and Dogday looked at each other nervously, knowing full well that this person is probably Neko.

I can't believe this... Of all things, Neko goes to this exact bar when I'm gone? He's never touched alcohol around me in his life...

"N- No reason..." I muttered as our boss chuckled a bit, putting his hands in his pockets.

"Well if you insist, anyways, both of you, put on your uniforms and get to work! People are going to start coming in soon." Our boss stated, me and Dogday went into the staff room and grabbed our uniforms.

They were some kind of suits, they were fancy, but not like tuxedos, although I swear I've seen this type of suit before...

Me and Dogday put the suits on and got ready to step out, and as soon as we did, the day started immediately...

Time to show off my skills...

Please don't come in today, Neko... It's my first day...

(889 Words)

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