Chapter 10 ♥️🔥

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(Dogday's POV)

Catnap sat there, resting his head on his hand as he smirked at me lovingly, I couldn't do anything except stand there dumbfounded...

Was I actually about to make love to someone I met only a couple days ago...?

I'm such a freak...

"Well?~ You just gonna stand there, or are we gonna get this started...?~" Catnap asked as he lifted his shirt and held the top of it with his mouth, exposing the lower half of his body as I snapped out of my trance.

"S- Sorry... I'm just nervous... I've never done this before..." I explained as Catnap sat up and dragged me to the bed, forcing me on top of him as he lined his member up with my lower half.

"Relax, doggy... This'll be fun, and besides, where did that seductive attitude of yours go, hm?~" Catnap smirked as I blushed intensely.

My tail wagged uncontrollably as Catnap grinded his member against me, making me tremble and whine as he rubbed my back affectionately.

"Don't worry, I'll be gentle..." Catnap muttered as he placed his lips on mine, gently grabbing me by my hip as he caressed my thigh.

We pulled back as I noticed that a type of pinkish smoke was leaving Catnap's mouth, and I immediately got curious.

"C- Catnap...? What's that pink smoke coming from your mouth...?" I asked as Catnap smirked a bit before speaking, continuing to gently caress my thigh.

"Just something to get you in the mood... You're still a bit nervous, I can tell...~" Catnap muttered as his tail wrapped around mine, forcing me to whimper and shut my eyes.

Catnap stopped grinding against me as I felt the tip of his cock press against my entrance, and I gasped slightly as he slowly slid into me, and I couldn't help but moan as I buried my face into Catnap's chest.

"Oh fuck... You're so soft...~" Catnap mumbled to himself as I continued to moan softly as he slid into me, I felt his hips buckle as he fully entered me after what felt like a whole 20 seconds.

"A- Ah...! C- Catnap, gimme a second... O- Ow..." I whined to myself as Catnap giggled a bit more, purposely giving me a love tap on my ass, making me flinch a bit.

"Haha... Like that...?~" Catnap teased as I looked up at him, slightly annoyed that he just did that casually...

"Y'know what, give me some more of that damn smoke..." I growled as I held Catnap by his charm as he seemed sort of intimidated.

"Okay okay, no need to get grumpy, doggy...~" Catnap muttered as he blew out some more smoke, blowing it towards my face purposely as I actually took some of it in.

I almost immediately felt the effects as my mind became sort of fuzzy, and my tail started wagging uncontrollably, and I actually felt... Really horny for some reason.

"Alright... I'm ready now...~" I muttered as Catnap looked kind of shocked from my state now, I lifted myself off of Catnap's chest as I sat upwards, my tail wagging as I sat on Catnap's member.

"Y- You sure...?-" Catnap tried asking, but I immediately became impatient and placed my hands on Catnap's furry chest.

"Start fucking me already, I'm getting bored...~" I said as my tail continued wagging, brushing against Catnap's legs as he gulped a bit.

"A- Alright, you're the boss...~" Catnap mumbled as he grabbed me by my waist and lowered his hips, thrusting back up as we both moaned, I kept my hands on Catnap's chest.

He started thrusting up and down into me as he held me by my waist, both of us moaning as my tail wagged in between Catnap's legs.

Catnap gave me some smacks on the ass, belly rubs, and a few kisses from time to time as we both enjoyed ourselves, the room filling with soft moaning and slapping of skin.

"O- Oh man... Dogday, I think I'm about to...-" Catnap tried speaking, but I huffed a strong sigh as I slammed my body down on Catnap's member.

He sort of yelped as a moan as I covered his mouth, not wanting to wake anybody up as it seemed to be sort of late.

"A- Ah... Oh my god... Yes...~" Catnap moaned to himself as I felt cum oozing out of me, sending shivers down my spine.

I lifted my lower half off of Catnap as his member stood erect, I could tell he wanted more, so I sighed before getting down and putting my mouth near his member.

"Hold on... We're trying something different...~" Catnap stated as he grabbed me and flipped me over on top of him, now both of us were different sides of each other.

Catnap had his mouth pressed against my member, and I eventually grabbed his, and slid it into my mouth as he moaned softly.

Catnap quickly took my member and put it in his mouth as we slowly moved our heads up and down, sucking each other as we both moaned softly, our sounds being muffled by each other.

After a few minutes, I felt a warm embrace in my stomach, nearing my climax as Catnap trembled in pleasure, continuing to suck as I did the same.

Catnap eventually came in my mouth as I dropped my head on his cock, taking it all in as I gagged a bit, eventually coming as well.

I sat up as I got off of Catnap, both of us panting and breathing heavily as we finally relaxed and settled down.

I licked some remaining cum from my lips as I looked at Catnap lovingly, putting a hand on his furry chest as I nuzzled him affectionately.

"Well... I'll put my clothes back on...-" I stated as I sat up, but Catnap laid me back down next to him.

"Hehe, no you won't... Let's just sleep for now...~" Catnap mumbled as he smiled softly, his tail extending to the light switch over by my door.

"N- Naked...? Alright, whatever kinks let you sleep at night..." I muttered as I hugged Catnap by his waist as he flipped the light switch off.

I looked behind me to a window leading outside, it was directly next to my bed, and I just now realized that the curtains were open during that whole endeavor.

"D- Do you think anyone saw us...?" I asked as Catnap gave me a few scritches behind the ears.

"Well, even if they did, I hope they enjoyed the show..." Catnap mumbled as he pulled the orange covers up above us.

I sank down into the covers and hugged Catnap tighter as he giggled a bit more, petting me and giving me more scratches.

"Good boy..." He muttered as I drifted off to sleep peacefully.

(1139 Words)

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