Chapter 54🩸

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(Kicken's POV)

We were all walking through the city, pointing out things we noticed throughout our trip such as people, places, and or things.

The breeze through the city brushed across my jacket that I wore, it was one of those 90's punk jackets.

I'll be honest, I thought they were stylish, and so did a lot of other people apparently, everybody always complimented my looks because of it, so that's a point for me.

Eventually, our group took a turn past an abandoned building, and as we were crossing an alleyway, a group of people rushed in front of us.

"Hands up! Everyone, drop all of your stuff! Empty your pockets!" One of the men ordered as they all raised guns in front of us.

"Oh shit... G- Guys, empty your pockets...!" Hoppy exclaimed as everybody except me and Neko started to drop all of our valuables.

I didn't do it because I was frozen in fear, I didn't know what to do, Neko didn't do it because... I dunno, he's a badass?

I suddenly felt my previous injuries from Catnap fade away as Neko stepped in front of all of us, staring at the group of men intently.

"Hey! You heard us? Drop all of your-" The same man tried ordering, but all of a sudden, all of their guns disappeared from their hands, and ended up in Neko's hands.

Neko stared into the man's eyes as he crushed the guns with just his arms alone, dropping the scrapped weapons to the ground.

"Hey, Kicken, you were able to keep up with me last time we fought, wanna team up?" Neko asked me as he turned to me.

"S- Seriously? I don't have nearly as much strength as you!" I made up an excuse, but I did kind of feel like fighting...

"Don't worry, just follow what I do, you'll get pumped up in no time." Neko explained as the men stared at Neko in shock.

"You think you're tough shit?! Come at me!" One of the men yelled as they ran towards Neko and tried punching him in the chest.

His fist collided with Neko, but... He didn't even flinch...! Neko just smiled as he grabbed the man's hand as broke his entire wrist!

Neko threw the man back into the alley as a few amount of the remaining men pulled out melee weapons.

"It's do, or die, Kicken." Neko muttered to me as he grabbed his jacket, tossing it off and ripping his shirt off, revealing the same shrine tattoo on his chest.

"Neko! Be careful and don't get hurt!" Dogday yelled, Neko laughed as looked at Dogday.

"Relax, these guys can't do shit to me! All you need to do is keep an eye on Kicken." Neko said as Neko turned to me again.

"C'mon, Kicken, don't you wanna be tough and cool? Take your jacket off, man!" Neko urged me as I took a deep breath, then grabbed my jacket...

I tossed it off of my body as I suddenly felt the urge to fight something, anything in sight... But I felt strong! Really strong!

Neko crossed his arms and smirked as he saw my reaction, standing menacingly as we both stood next to each other together.

"Who the hell do you two think you are?!" Another man shouted, charging at me with a baseball bat, Neko held my arm back as I tried blocking it.

"Let it hit you, Kicken, you'll be fine." Neko muttered as I braced myself, and then the bat hit me in the side of the head.

But nothing happened, hell... That actually felt sort of nice! These guys are weak as fuck!

"W- What the...?" The man cowered as he stared at his now broken bat, my head managed to crack it in half even though it did nothing to me.

"Alright, you've had your fun, Kicken, now let's go." Neko ordered, I got into a basic fighting stance as Neko stood menacingly with his hands at his side.

I heard another type of theme start playing, everyone behind us got excited and started cheering our name quietly as I got even more pumped up...

(This is what started playing)

Me and Neko charged at the men as they all started freaking out, we both started to take them all down easily.

I ran into a group of them, hitting them left and right, kicking some and knocking them off their feet as I continued my adrenaline filled assault.

I grabbed one of them by the head and smashed their head into a wall, blood splattering from their head.

Alright! Time to finally start living a dream I've wanted! Time to actually be cool!

(789 Words)

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