Chapter 16☁️♥️

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(Dogday's POV)

It had been a long while after school started. Me, Catnap and Neko were all sitting in the back of our 2nd period class, silently talking about different types of things.

I had completely forgotten to ask Neko or Catnap about their talents, but instead, my mind drifted off to what type of things they were interested in, like what they enjoyed the most...

"Hey, Neko... What type of things are you interested in...?" I asked as Neko perked his head up and gave me a confused look.

"...Whaddya mean?" He asked as I got closer and whispered a bit more as the teacher almost looked in our direction, so we had to be discreet from now on.

"Like, what sports do you like? What activities do you enjoy?" I asked as Neko thought for a bit, then turned his head back to me confidently.

"Eh, I usually like badminton, or volleyball... And fighting people." Neko stated as I immediately remembered the original question I wanted to ask Neko or Catnap.

"Oh, right... What stuff are you good at?" I asked as Neko giggled a bit before looking back at me again, looking happy that I asked, his tail swaying around himself.

"Well, unless you've been living under a rock, you've probably seen that one TikTok edit of me and that one street guy fighting, right?" Neko asked as I nodded quickly.

"Yeah, well believe it or not, I'm actually quite skilled in most martial arts, I wasn't even trying at all when I was fighting that guy, I had to hold back myself from yawning when I dodged his attacks..." Neko chuckled.

"You guys talking about talents?" Catnap asked from behind me as we both nodded, and he seemed to take one last look at the teacher before turning to both of us, joining our conversation.

"It's not really all that popular, but Dogday, have you seen that edit of me on TikTok? Neko has." Catnap asked as I thought back to this morning.

"The baseball one? Yeah, I've seen it." I stated as Catnap nodded a bit.

"Well I never actually have to try when playing baseball, I've basically never lost-" Catnap tried bragging, but Neko cut him off quickly.

"Unless you're me, who beat him easily." Neko stated as he giggled a bit when he saw Catnap's disappointment in his reaction.

"...Neko, lift your pant sleeves real quick." Catnap said as Neko immediately changed his mood and shut up, his face turning straight instantly.

"...Why'd that make him so quiet? It was just a simple request, right?" I asked after a bit of silence, to which Catnap chuckled and shook his head.

"Nah, see, even though Neko may be a brutal psycho, he actually has the cutest tastes in clothing..." Catnap chuckled as Neko blushed and looked at the teacher covering his face.

"...Like what...? He's just wearing a navy blue jacket, beanie, and gloves, right?" I asked as Catnap shook his head again.

"Well see, instead of socks, Neko prefers... Longer types..." Catnap chuckled as he saw Neko bury his head in the desk.

"...Like thigh highs???" I joked as Catnap snapped his fingers and pointed, signifying that I was actually right!

"No fucking way, Neko do you actually...?" I asked as Neko lifted up one pant sleeve to his knee, a long sock extending far above it.

"Geez, all of that for a baseball joke, you're crazy, Catnap..." I muttered as Catnap chuckled, and soon did Neko as he went back to being happy and talkative.

An hour later

Me, Neko and Catnap were walking through the hallway after 2nd period was over, talking about what we could do after school was over.

Catnap leaned over to my ear and whispered something to me so Neko couldn't hear him.

"Hey, don't tell Neko, but we're sneaking out again, I have a surprise for him since he's been acting good this past week..." Catnap whispered as I nodded.

Catnap turned into the hallway with the large window as I followed, Neko also following, yet clearly being confused.

"Hm? We're sneaking out again? Alright then..." Neko mumbled in confusion as he opened the window and jumped down quickly.

He looked around and nodded to us both as Catnap and I jumped down, closing the window on our way out, and sneaking to the parking lot as we got into our cars and drove off.

I followed Catnap's car, taking multiple turns and intersections as we eventually stopped in front of the local mall, for a local mall, this place was actually pretty huge...

We stepped out of our cars as we walked back into a group of 3, Neko still looking confused as me and Catnap began talking.

"So, we ready?" I asked as Catnap nodded and turned to Neko, who still looked confused as all hell.

"Catnap, the fuck are we doing here?" Neko asked as Catnap chuckled a bit, then turned back to Neko as his tail swayed in the air happily.

"Well, since you've been so good this past week, and because I'm in a good mood, I'm deciding to let us all go on a trip, to the mall!" Catnap exclaimed as I got sort of excited, Neko looking a bit intrigued.

"...And there's ice cream." Catnap said after a long pause, making Neko get extremely excited and practically exploding with happiness.

"Really?! Yay!! Thank you, Catnap!!" Neko expressed as he waved his hands in the air childishly, hugging Catnap affectionately.

And with that, Catnap tossed out a collar from his pocket, to which Neko slipped onto himself, making sure that he wouldn't... Go crazy again...

We then began to head towards the mall, conversing and laughing about random stuff we thought about the school and other students.

I always liked the mall, and this trip would turn out better than I expected...! I hoped...

(986 Words)

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